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Latest News - March 2019

All News for March 2019

NVIDIA is attempting to push the industry forward (and simultaneously make a profit, of course) by implementing dedicated ray tracing hardware into its latest generation Turing GPU, a feature that is a staple of its GeForce RTX series. Since launching its RTX lineup, however, NVIDIA has also made available a cheaper... Read more...
Huawei is on the verge of releasing the follow-ups to its P20 and P20 Pro. Thanks to some careful sleuthing, we not only have images of the next-generation P30 and P30 Pro, but also a full rundown of what kind of hardware specs these devices will be carrying. Huawei P30 The information on the new smartphones comes... Read more...
Yes folks, there is a such thing as 'professional' overclocking, which may sound like an empty profession on the surface but actually plays an important role. That role is mainly marketing, as companies sponsor and endorse certain overclockers, in hopes of showcasing their products. If you were to take a peak into pro... Read more...
The revelation that practically every processor made in the past couple of decades is affected by at least one variant of Meltdown and Spectre, the names given to multiple versions of the same general execution vulnerability, shook the tech industry pretty hard. It also led to further discoveries of similar bugs. The... Read more...
We’ve been hearing rumors of new iPad models incoming from Apple, and today with little fanfare the company has unveiled two new product updates. The first is a [internal] hardware refresh of the long-in-the-tooth iPad mini, while the second is an all-new 10.5-inch iPad Air. The iPad mini is getting a significant... Read more...
Microsoft recently announced that it was bringing the entire Halo catalog to PC, through both the Microsoft Store and Steam. For the first time, a fan of the franchise (new or old) will be able to play every major title without touching an Xbox console, if that is their desire. In anticipation of the wholesale port... Read more...
One thing that will ruin a game as quick as any bug are prolific cheaters that make the entire gameplay experience unbearable. Respawn Entertainment is working hard to curb cheating in Apex Legends. As cheaters evolve to exploit the game, Respawn has been swinging the banhammer to crush them as quickly as possible. So... Read more...
We’ve been witnessing the maturing of NVIDIA’s Turing family of professional and gaming graphics cards (which now blanket just about every price point possible from the entry-level to the very high-end), and now we’re beginning to hear a little about the company’s next-generation GPU. In this case, we’re talking about... Read more...
5G technology has not yet arrived to all consumers, but it may already be a thing of the past. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently voted to grant experimental licenses to test frequencies between 95 GHz and 3 THz. The FCC hopes that these licenses will keep the United States “at the forefront of... Read more...
It wasn't too long ago that the world seemed to have gone crazy mining for cryptocurrency. Crypto miners were gobbling up all the GPUs to the point where gamers were unable to get their hands on a graphics card unless they paid insanely prices for them. All of that time and money went into optimizing crypto mining... Read more...
As it pertains to graphics cards, quite a bit has changed over the past year or so. Had you been in the market for a GPU around this time last year, you would have been staring at inflated price tags for practically every mid-range and high-end option on the market. Fast forward to today and things are looking much... Read more...
Samsung unveiled the Galaxy S10 family of devices last month. Anticipation for the smartphones was high, and when preorders launched the device set records in the U.S. Now that the smartphone has been in the hands of users for a bit, an issue has surfaced that is annoying some owners. Reports are coming in that the... Read more...
Samsung pulled the wraps off its new wearables offering back on February 20, and among the devices was the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active. This device was touted by Samsung as the first wearable to support blood pressure monitoring on your wrist. Health features have become a big selling point for wearables since the... Read more...
The release of Windows 10 19H1 (April 2019 Update) is just around the corner, but Microsoft is still working on a few tweaks. The software giant just released Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18358 (19H1) to members of the Fast Ring. The preview build includes gaming improvements, installer updates, and Windows... Read more...
Many would not argue that the holy grail of graphics rendering is real-time ray tracing, and there are industry-wide efforts to make that a reality. Real-time ray tracing is computationally demanding, though, which is why today's solutions only ray trace parts of a scene, and not the entire thing. This also requires... Read more...
Following an antitrust complaint filed by Spotify with the European Commission, Apple has issued a lengthy statement defending its App Store policies, and refuting Spotify's claims that it is being treated unfairly. The statement also insinuates that Spotify has become a leech, saying the App Store helped the... Read more...
Qualcomm and Apple have been duking it out in courts around the globe with respect to patents and licensing agreements. Today, however, Qualcomm was the big winner as a U.S. jury handed the chip company a $31 million judgement in its favor. The jury in the U.S. District Court for the South District of California... Read more...
Snap Inc., the parent company of Snapchat, is getting set to launch a new gaming service according to sources familiar with the plans. Those sources claim that the gaming platform will be launched for developers next month and goes by the codename "Project Cognac." According to the source, the service will feature a handful of game titles Read more...
How soon will consumers be able to purchase 100+ megapixel cameras? According to Qualcomm, 64MP and 100+MP cameras could be available as soon as the end of 2019. Qualcomm chips reportedly already support 192-megapixel sensors and the company is merely waiting for smartphone developers to catch up. Qualcomm Senior Director of Product Management Read more...
We’ve heard a lot of rumors surrounding the upcoming Google Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL, and today a new leak is giving us some more insight into how the smartphones may actually look. Our first taste of the new design came back in mid-January, when drawings of a supposed Google Pixel 4 with a notch-free display and dual... Read more...
Huawei has seen massive growth in the smartphone market in part because prices for Apple and Samsung devices have soared. Huawei is very popular outside of the U.S., but the company has virtually no marketshare inside the U.S. due to the government urging carriers not to offer its devices over fears of spying. In... Read more...
No Man’s Sky is about to receive a major update. Developer Hello Games recently announced that their next update will include No Man’s Sky Online, an online multiplayer experience. This new multiplayer component will be part of No Man’s Sky’s fifth major update. Hello Games co-founder Sean Murray remarked that No... Read more...
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