Items tagged with Survey

Are iPhone users more satisfied with their smartphone of choice than, say, Galaxy S III or Lumia 920 owners? That's up for debate, though it's worth pointing out that Apple topped the J.D. Power 2013 Wireless Smartphone Satisfaction Study, landing ahead of the competition for the ninth consecutive time. It wasn't a... Read more...
It's sometimes easy to forget that an unsubsidized smartphone can cost upwards of $600, especially when you see a group of giggling teens wielding around what are essentially handheld computers. Get used to that scene. According to a new survey, smartphone adoption among American teenagers is rising fast. Pew Research... Read more...
Seen one of those fancy new Surface commercials? How about one of Microsoft's vivid new retail stores? In an age where tech-savvy is becoming the norm, and catching people early is a way to ensure brand loyalty throughout a life, Microsoft seems to be doing fairly well according to a new report. A Reuters/Ipsos poll... Read more...
Give it some time and when Grand Theft Auto V is released this Spring, underage gamers who somehow manage to get their hands on the title will be stuffing people in trunks in real life, right? You know that's nonsense, and I know that's nonsense, but there's a general consensus among parents that violent video games... Read more...
Each year, it seems as if Amazon outdoes itself in terms of holiday sales. As brick-and-mortar stores lose their luster, traffic becomes more annoying, and fuel prices continue to soar, kicking back and handling holiday shopping online just seems entirely more reasonable. And evidently, Amazon has become a role model... Read more...
Will there or won't there be an iPad Mini? And if Apple is planning to launch a smaller size tablet, when will it launch? Those are both good questions, and unfortunately all we have to go on are rumors and speculation. One thing we can tell you, however, is that original iPad owners are the most likely to purchase an... Read more...
Other than a two-year contract, what reasons do you have for sticking with your wireless carrier? For some, that two-year contract can't expire soon enough. Others are perfectly happy with their wireless carrier. On which side of the spectrum do you fall? Although no carrier is immune to unhappy customers and all carriers loose customers and... Read more...
There was a time not too long ago when the perception amongst many young computer users that only old people, stiffs, rubes, and nerds owned non-Apple products; the iPod trumped the Zune, MacBooks became something of a cool-kid status symbol, and the iPhone was--well, no other phone would do. At some point along the way that’s changed,... Read more...
Online shopping is one of the many things made more convenient with a tablet, which allows owners to sit back on their couch or recliner, or sunbathe by the pool and surf the Web's many e-commerce destinations. And as it turns out, nearly two-thirds of tablet owners find that online shopping is their favorite... Read more...
One of the side effects of Steam becoming the dominant online distribution platform for PC games is that it gives us a glimpse of what types of hardware computer users are wielding these days. Steam just released its latest collection of hardware stats, and there are some interesting trends taking place. For one... Read more...
Which company do you loathe more to do business with, Electronic Arts or Bank of America? They're two very different operations, but nevertheless, both companies advanced to a 'championship' round of sorts in an annual poll by The Consumerist to determine the Worst Company in America. When the dust settled from more... Read more...
Say what you want about the new iPad's propensity to run a little bit warmer than previous generation models, iPad owners don't appear to be all hot and bothered over what some have dubbed 'heatgate." On the contrary, a new survey suggests that nearly every single iPad 3 owner is at least partially satisfied with... Read more...
Not even a year ago, in May 2011, Pew found that 35% of Americans had smartphones; in February, after conducting the same study again, that number is up to 46%. Thus, almost half of all cell phone-owning American adults now have a smartphone. What is perhaps more significant is that for the first time, there are more... Read more...
Best Buy recently sent out a consumer survey that, among other things, asked participants a series of questions about a 42-inch Apple TV for $1,499 with iOS baked in. This being the age of the Internet and all, it didn't take long for a screenshot of the survey to leak online, which prompted speculation that such a TV not only exists, but... Read more...
Have you ever tried talking your Apple-loving buddy into getting an Android smartphone or a Windows Phone 7 device? You'd have a better chance of selling ice to an Eskimo, a point that's underscored in a new international survey conducted by the GfK Group. According to the survey, nearly one in five consumers who own both an iPad and an iPhone... Read more...
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear "TV Intimacy?" On second thought, don't answer that. The good news is that Sony's idea is quite different than most of our minds would guess, as the company has just published results from its first-ever TV Intimacy Poll. Conducted online in November 2011 by... Read more...
Nearly four out of 10 iPhone users (38 percent) have gone out and updated their smartphones to iOS 5, representing the highest adoption rate of any iDevice, according to data provided by Chitka Insights. iPad owners proved the next most anxious to upgrade, with almost a third -- 30 percent -- now rocking Apple's... Read more...
We're not sure if Apple users are just incredibly easy to please or if the Cupertino company simply knows how best to cater to its consumer base. In the end it doesn't really matter, because either way, Apple users are more satisfied with their PCs than anyone else, according to a new report by the American Customer... Read more...
Netflix is in the business of making money, not friends, and it's a good thing too. If Netflix were trying to make friends, it would be safe to say the hybrid DVD-by-mail rental / streaming service failed miserably when it jacked up prices by as much as 60 percent earlier this week. News of the updated pricing tiers... Read more...
Are you a fan of television? A big, big fan of television? If so, we have to ask: when is the last time you watched a full commercial? For years now, media companies have been running around with great concern that viewers were using DVRs to simply bypass commercials, making those pricey advertisements that much less... Read more...
According to a recent study commissioned by, consumers frequently replace their personal computers after four and a half years of use. Although replacing a PC as often as three years may be common, 58% of survey respondents thought their computer should last much longer than three years. Despite wanting to use their PCs for longer,... Read more...
It may strike some of you as shocking, but it's really not too much of a surprise: more smartphones were sold in the last quarter than actual PC computers. Even three years this would have been a huge, huge deal, but these days? Smartphones are everywhere, and they're still becoming more and more important and in-demand. PCs, meanwhile, aren't... Read more...
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