Microsoft Scores More Cool Points With Younger Generation Than Facebook or Twitter
That may strike some as surprising. In fact, many view Microsoft is the stodgy, old guy in a world full of spunky Silicon Valley startups. And indeed, Microsoft has been around a very, very long time when looking at the average age of a tech company. That said, the younger demographic has really become fond of the Xbox universe, and Kinect only drew more in. As for Surface? That's catching eyeballs as well, and while sales may not be on par with the iPad, an improvement in brand perception isn't anything to scoff at.
Josh Johnson, a 24-year old university student, was quoted as saying the following regarding Windows 8: "It's more customizable, and not as rigid as an Apple phone, where you have to buy all the products from Apple. If you want a ringtone, you don't have to pay iTunes. I know Apple is the cool, hip brand right now, but if Microsoft keeps coming out with new tech I'm sure it'll be back soon."
The poll involved some 4800 people, and in fact, Microsoft came up higher than even Twitter and Facebook in some instances. 50 percent of those who were polled confessed that they didn't use Twitter, while 58 percent said they didn't use Pinterest and 68 percent said they didn't use Tumblr. Something tells us a dancing GIF of Steve Ballmer is the major reason for all of the love lately.