Items tagged with GameStop

Is the party coming to the end for the "little guys" that banded together to take on some of the biggest hedge funds on Wall Street? Earlier this week, we reported on the meteoric rise of GameStop shares (NYSE:GME), which has been fueled by "degenerates" -- a title that the group has coined for themselves -- over at... Read more...
Yesterday, we reported on the subreddit /r/WallStreetBets that was effectively gaming the stock market and driving shares of GameStop stock to the moon. Today, it seems as though the crazy train just is not ending. The crowdsourced stock-mob has now driven (NYSE:GME) up approximately 129%, to around $350, at the time... Read more...
While many gamers have been racking their brains trying to figure out what's going on with PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X inventory, and how to get their hands on one of the consoles, a Wall Street firestorm has been brewing at GameStop. You know GameStop, the staple of [dying] malls and strip malls across America... Read more...
Cyberpunk 2077’s launch was less than stellar by our accounts, and it left many disgruntled gamers in the wake. In an attempt to rectify the issue, many companies are now taking returns of Cyberpunk 2077, whether it is opened or not. Now, GameStop may be joining the list of companies refunding Cyberpunk 2077 in an... Read more...
It is a tough time to be a gamer. There has been an extremely limited stock of computer parts (GPUs, CPUs) and next-gen consoles over the last several months. We even have some tips and tricks put together to help you snag a console, such as a PlayStation 5, but even that may not be enough. As GameStop continues to... Read more...
If you've struck out numerous times in your efforts to secure a Sony PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X up until now, we've got some good news for you. GameStop just confirmed that it will have both consoles available at its brick and mortar locations for Black Friday (November 27th). GameStop made the announcement... Read more...
If you haven't already bought an Xbox Series S/X or PlayStation 5, you may be in for a long wait to get your hands on when they launch early next week. Given that both consoles are going to be hot ticket items for gamers for the foreseeable future, it stands to reason that many stakeholders are jockeying for position... Read more...
Earlier in September, Sony apologized for the PlayStation 5 preorder catastrophe and promised more console preorders soon. It seems; however, the preorder nightmare never ends as GameStop Ireland has begun to email customers stating they will likely not be getting a PS5 for quite some time. When the PlayStation 5... Read more...
Last week, HotHardware reported on preorders for the new Xbox consoles coming up on September 22nd. We also wrote about all the preorder snags with major device announcements, and it seems Microsoft will have its fair share too with limited availability of pre-orders at GameStop locations. Preorders seem to be a pain... Read more...
GameStop has changed its mind on labeling itself "essential retail," and has announced that as of tomorrow, all of its stores that are still open will switch to a "delivery of the door" service. Notification of the change came from GameStop CEO George Sherman yesterday in a letter that was sent out to employees. The... Read more...
California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a "statewide order" for nearly 40 million residents to "stay at home" amid the coronavirus pandemic, and in other states, school closings are common. Same goes for various retail businesses—many restaurants are now only offering delivery of pickup. Meanwhile, GameStop stirred... Read more...
In many places, you can't walk into a movie theater and catch a flick or waltz into most restaurants for a meal (it's delivery or pick-up only), but you sure as heck can march yourself into GameStop. Well, for now, anyway. There has been a call for 'social distancing' in light of the coronavirus pandemic, and while... Read more...
It's hard work landing on Santa's 'Nice' list, but hopefully you were able to do it and score yourself some fantastic loot on Christmas. If not, maybe you treated yourself to a fancy new game console for the holidays, like an Xbox One, PlayStation 4, or Nintendo Switch. Whatever the case might be, GameStop is having a... Read more...
If you've had your eye on the Nintendo Switch Lite, then we've got some good news for you from Amazon and GameStop. Nintendo's newest portable console just launched a few months ago, and discounts are hard to come by on the popular device. However, both retailers are offering a $25 promotional offer if you purchase a... Read more...
If you have an original Nintendo Switch, now might be the opportune time to upgrade to a new upgraded model. The folks over at GameStop are running an enticing trade-in offer on the original Nintendo Switch, which will get you an additional $25 bonus added on to the console's trade-in value. Usually, GameStop will... Read more...
ThinkGeek, a website that we hit up on occasion for novelty items to soothe the geek's soul, is closing up shop. The company has an online presence at and it also has 40 brick and mortar locations scattered across the United States. While the physical stores will remain open -- for now -- the website... Read more...
GameStop is in the midst of its Pro Day Sale. This is a single day event with discounts on games and hardware exclusively for Pro members of the retailer's PowerUp Rewards program. The Pro tier runs $14.99 per year and includes various discounts throughout the year, better trade-in values, exclusive sales events like... Read more...
GameStop is feeling the pressure after a recent earnings report was bad enough to send the company's stock tumbling down. The future of GameStop locations around the country isn't looking bright as the gaming industry starts to transition from physical discs for games to streaming. In the here and now, GameStop has a sale going on that gamers Read more...
The field of eSports has simply exploded in size over the last decade. Many corporations are throwing a lot of money at training facilities, tournament stadiums, and professional gaming teams. GameStop recently announced that it plans to sponsor an eSports training facility in cooperation with Complexity... Read more...
If your game console is feeling a bit old and you have your eyes on a new Xbox One X, this might be the best time ever to take that old console hardware down to your local GameStop and trade it in. GameStop has a deal going right now that could see you walking away with an Xbox One X for a scant $200. The Xbox One... Read more...
I grew up feeding quarters to arcade machines, which might seem like a foreign concept to gamers who have been raised on Xbox and PlayStation consoles. Back in the day, we had to hike 2 miles in the snow, up hill (both ways!) just for the privilege of playing a video game. And now? Game consoles and PCs rule the day... Read more...
GameStop is the latest retailer to announce its list of Black Friday deals, and there are plenty of goodies to go around for console (and PC) lovers. In fact, GameStop's discounts are especially compelling when it comes to Sony hardware. Sony's PlayStation 4 Pro typically retails for $399, but GameStop will be... Read more...
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