Items tagged with cybersecurity

Apple users located across 98 countries have received notifications from the company that they have been targeted in a recent spyware campaign, according to a report by TechCrunch. This is part an initiative by Apple to warn users who are typically at higher risk of being targeted in these kinds of attacks, such as... Read more...
Security firm Symantec has posted a bulletin about a smishing (SMS phishing) campaign currently targeting Apple users in the United States. The end of goal for these threat actors is to take over a user’s Apple ID, which provides them access to an individual’s personal information, financial information, and... Read more...
Cybersecurity firm Check Point Research has discovered a potent piece of Android malware, called Rafel, being utilized by threat actors. The malware is an open-source remote administration tool (RAT) and Check Point Research says that it has already observed “an espionage group leveraging Rafel in their... Read more...
It appears that AMD is now the latest victim of cybercrime and a data breach, as company data is being offered for sale on a message board frequented by criminal hackers. AMD acknowledged the situation in a statement, noting that, "we are aware of a cybercriminal organization claiming to be in possession of stolen AMD... Read more...
Threat actors are actively trying to exploit VPN environments that make use of remote access at an accelerated rate, in order to infiltrate and attack enterprise networks, according to cyber security firm Check Point. The company says the intent is to “discover relevant enterprise assets and users, seeking for... Read more...
Are you looking to get some laundry done on the cheap or, even better yet, free? It turns out a security flaw in a popular internet-connected laundry machine vendor could allow anyone to avoid paying the fee for washing or drying clothes. This vulnerability was reported to the vendor months ago and remains unfixed... Read more...
It has been a little while since our last major data breach, with the latest being back on April Fools' with AT&T having the information of 73 million accounts appear on the dark web. However, hackers never rest so it was simply a matter of time before another breach would happen, this time with Dell. A threat actor... Read more...
Artificial intelligence has been used for some rather interesting applications, such as helping people deal with losing a loved one. While this is a unique use of the technology, there is so much more that AI can be used to improve our daily lives. This includes cybersecurity, which Google is now capitalizing on by... Read more...
Earlier this month, Microsoft discovered a vulnerability pattern in Android applications that could enable overwriting files and allow remote code execution. This issue that could be leveraged by attackers has also been seen in the wild with several applications, but organizations have seemingly been quick to rectify... Read more...
In the past few years, the ransomware market has heated up, leading to more payouts for threat actors and more attacks overall. However, in late 2023, with the seizure of BlackCat ALPHV by law enforcement, among other factors, the business side of ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) has been put on ice, at least somewhat... Read more...
If you are a threat actor and want to mine cryptocurrency or steal some juicy information, a gamer’s PC is a good target for that sort of thing, given the hardware and software they use. Even better yet is the PC of a game cheater because they are used to downloading sketchy software in the first place, so the barrier... Read more...
End-of-life hardware can be quite the problem at times, even crashing back into Earth’s atmosphere at supersonic speeds for that matter. Of course, we wouldn’t expect such travesties happening with the hardware you keep in your basement, or that NAS you tucked away your closet. However, older tech gear can have... Read more...
Over the past few days, the security world has been abuzz with the discovery of a backdoor snuck into a compression utility called xz-utils. While this backdoor was effectively a near miss, getting caught before it became pervasive, it goes to show that with a bit of social engineering and laying low for a while, you... Read more...
A team of researchers recently found a side-channel vulnerability in Apple’s custom SoC architecture that does not appear patchable and allows for the theft of encryption keys. The research team, which hails from six different universities around the United States, published its findings and is calling it the... Read more...
Most experts would suggest that humans are the weakest link in cybersecurity, which is evidenced by the pervasiveness of phishing emails and whatnot. However, it’s not just end users that can be a problem. System administrators are human too, and can introduce serious problems just the same. This is what a group of... Read more...
Over the weekend, the hero shooter game Apex Legends, made by EA and Respawn Entertainment, held a tournament that was reportedly compromised by hackers. Multiple players' systems were breached, and game cheats such as X-ray vision and aimbots were installed. How exactly this happened is unclear at this time, but it seems as if it is an issue Read more...
StopCrypt ransomware is one of the most prolific yet underreported ransomware families due to its usual target of individuals rather than high-profile businesses or larger entities. We may not see this strain of ransomware in the United States as much, but it is still a threat regardless, and an evolving one at that... Read more...
This week, researchers have reported that earlier this year, threat actors leveraged a vulnerability in Windows to deploy DarkGate malware after phishing the victim for initial access. The vulnerability tracked as CVE-2024-21412 led to users running fake Microsoft software installer (.MSI) packages that looked like... Read more...
Over the past few months, the infamous ransomware group LockBit has faced significant turmoil, including threatening a forum administrator with murder. All while this was happening, members of the group like Mikhail Vasiliev were sitting in jail, awaiting trial for their cybersecurity crimes. Now, Vasiliev has been... Read more...
Account credentials and personal data are hot commodities online, which often going up for sale at low prices so shady characters can move thousands of accounts quickly. This is reportedly what has happened to just over 15,000 Roku customers who had their accounts compromised due to credential stuffing attacks that... Read more...
Researchers have shown that running a man-in-the-middle attack against a Tesla owner can potentially compromise their account, unlock their car, and ultimately allow threat actors to drive away with it. There are, of coruse, a number a caveats. Much of this hinges on some social engineering, and tricking the Tesla owner to use a spoofed Wi-Fi Read more...
The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is the primary interface between the public and the U.S. government, to report cybercrime and collect information about cybersecurity threats. The IC3 recently published a paper outlining a significant increase in reports and losses throughout... Read more...
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