Editor profile

Zak Killian

Ever since playing Joust on his family's Atari 800XL 8-bit computer as a youth, Zak has been hooked on PC and console games. His passion for gaming as a kid led to an interest in PCs as a teenager, which ended up with him founding his own PC repair shop in the year 2000. Decades later, he's still building, still gaming, and still arguing on the internet with any opinion anyone has. A former writer of news and reviews for The Tech Report, Zak is a modern-day Renaissance man who may not be an expert on anything, but knows just a little about nearly everything.
Opinions and content posted by HotHardware contributors are their own.

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In the last seven years since the launch of Ryzen, AMD has completely reversed its fortunes, and now you'll find Ryzen processors in a huge number of hardware enthusiasts' systems. This is thanks to consistent generational improvements year after year, and the next generation of AMD's most successful CPU family is... Read more...
Regular HotHardware readers will recall that we reported on the leaked naming scheme for AMD's next-generation Ryzen processors. At that time, it was thought that AMD's upcoming chips would be named something like "Ryzen AI 9 HX 170", but according to more recent leaks, it seems like AMD will instead go with "Ryzen AI... Read more...
Considering how the company is arguably best known for its TVs and game systems these days, it's easy to forget that Sony made its mark in the field of audio. Indeed, the very name of the company comes partially from the Latin "sonus", meaning sound. Sony's running a big pile of Memorial Day deals right now, and if... Read more...
Popular hardware monitoring and detection application HWinFO's latest release notes include a handful of very curious entries. As you'll have already guessed from the headline, they're the names of Intel's upcoming graphics products: Battlemage, Celestial, and Melville Sound. The addition of these names to HWiNFO... Read more...
Are you a FromSoftware fanatic? Do you hang on the end of every word out of Hidetaka Miyazaki's mouth? If so, you won't want to miss the opportunity to snag a very exclusive Elden Ring-branded Arc GPU, courtesy of a collaboration with Chinese GPU vendor Gunnir. To celebrate the release of Elden Ring's major expansion... Read more...
When building a new PC, it's very likely that your fancy motherboard will feature multiple M.2 sockets. It's almost guaranteed that some portion of these SSD slots will be connected directly to the CPU socket, while others will connect to the CPU via the motherboard chipset. This undoubtedly adds latency, hurting... Read more...
AMD's Radeon Anti-Lag has been around since 2019; it's not a new technology. However, the company's attempt to deploy an upgraded version of the driver-based input lag reduction feature late last year was abortive, as users who employed it found that they quickly got banned off of their favorite competitive games. AMD... Read more...
Laptop enthusiasts will certainly recall the "AMD Advantage" badge that certifies certain systems with both CPU and GPU supplied by AMD as meeting particular performance metrics and including specific AMD "Smart" technologies. The program technically extends to desktops, too, but it's much more common in laptops... Read more...
Memory is about as close as any computer component gets to being a commodity product. People rarely think about their RAM, as long as it's enough. Memory bandwidth is critically important to PC performance, though. There's a reason Valve upgraded the Steam Deck's memory speed with the OLED model. LPDDR5X can get up to... Read more...
We're fast approaching Computex Taipei 2024, where AMD is broadly expected to announce its next-generation processors based on the Zen 5 architecture. However, the combined efforts of leaker Everest and veteran programmer InstLatX64 may have revealed some fascinating details about the company's next-next CPUs, based... Read more...
It's hard to remember now, but the original AMD Ryzen processors topped out at "just" 8 cores. The Ryzen 3000 family came along in 2019 with the Ryzen 9 branding and the first sixteen-core desktop CPUs. Even in the enterprise market, 16 CPU cores can be overkill. However, you can't just go buying consumer PC hardware... Read more...
Most people that enter a query into a search engine want to find a website with content authored by humans. This content is much more likely to be both relevant and coherent, in comparison to something computer-generated. Take, for example, one of our graphics card reviews. We write carefully-reasoned analysis of the... Read more...
Intel's Meteor Lake processors represented a major step forward for the company. As Intel's first step into chiplet (or "tile") fabrication for client chips, Meteor Lake brought big improvements in efficiency, graphics, and AI performance for the company's mobile processors. Arrow Lake is on track to do that for... Read more...
Hey there friend, did you hear? Apple's now allowing retro video game emulators on the App Store. This has been a little controversial in a few different ways, but undeniably the star of the show is quite-mature libretro frontend Retroarch. It's right there on the App Store now; you can just go search for it and... Read more...
Much has been written about AMD's Strix Halo processor, both here and elsewhere. It's a fascinating design, in concept, and it definitely exists at least in some form—but whether it will actually make it to market and then be successful remains to be seen. A new render seems to imply that Strix Halo will have a very... Read more...
It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that Grand Theft Auto VI is currently the most-anticipated game in the market, and quite possibly the most-anticipated game of all time. Some people have even placed their hopes on Rockstar's next game to revive a sagging console and AAA games industry. Certainly it will be the... Read more...
In case you missed all the buzz earlier this week, OpenAI just revealed its next-generation AI model, known as GPT-4o. The "o" stands for "Omni", and it represents not the terrifying omniscience of the model but rather its capability to natively support multiple different types of input. This is quite novel; historically multimodality for Read more...
AMD is expected to announce new processors based on its Zen 5 architecture sooner than later, so naturally, we're starting to see some proper believable benchmark leaks from the new CPUs. Some people are expecting crazy single-threaded gains up to 40%, but the more believable rumors put the boost from the new... Read more...
You've probably been in this situation before: you need to quickly transfer some very large files from one PC to another. The easy way is to hook them up to the same network, but if all you have is some cruddy old Wi-Fi, or if the network is secured, then that's not an option. You can use an external drive or disk... Read more...
Did you know that Red Dead Redemption is actually the second game in the series? Very few people remember 2004's Red Dead Revolver, released for Xbox and PlayStation 2, but it is the original "Red Dead" game. Unfortunately, neither that title nor the aforementioned second in the series have ever come to PC, so if you... Read more...
Razer Blade 18 Gaming Laptop: Starts At $3,099, $4,499 As Tested We put Razer's biggest, baddest Blade gaming laptop to date through its paces and found it to be both powerful and quite pretty. Classic Razer Aesthetics Phenomenal Laptop Display Surprisingly Svelte Excellent Spatial Sound Forward-Looking Thunderbolt 5 Connectivity Despite Size,... Read more...
It would be easy to assume based on the name "GPT-4o" that OpenAI's new model is merely an iteration on its previous work, and in the strictest sense, that's sort of true. If you look only at benchmarks, GPT-4o is an extremely minor improvement over OpenAI's previous work on GPT-4 Turbo. This release isn't about... Read more...
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