Items tagged with 3dfx

3dfx Voodoo graphics processors never gained much traction in the laptop market in their day, because putting a power-thirsty discrete graphics processor—an idea that 3dfx arguably pioneered—into a laptop was seen as an absurd venture at the time. Despite that, 24 years after the launch of the 3dfx Voodoo4 4500... Read more...
If you weren't there in the late 90s, it is very difficult to explain the particular cachet that "3dfx Voodoo" has among a certain generation of PC gaming enthusiast. 3dfx cards never had the best image quality, they rarely actually had the absolute best performance, and for the first two generations, the VGA... Read more...
A graphics card that never actually made it to market just scored a big payday for the owner, who listed the ultra-rare prototype on eBay. We're talking about the 3dfx Voodoo 5 6000 that we wrote about last week, a truly legendary GPU and valuable collector's item. Just how valuable? Well, the winning bid for the card... Read more...
Greybeards like your author recall the original 3dfx (then stylized as 3Dfx) Voodoo Graphics card with immense nostalgia. It was the card that brought the term "3D accelerator" to the mainstream with incredible performance in the then-new GLQuake. They generally came with 4MB of EDO DRAM on board, but a YouTuber has... Read more...
Do you remember playing games on a Voodoo 5 6000 graphics card? Neither do I, though only because 3dfx Interactive, a pioneer in discrete graphics accelerators, never actually released the card before the company fell on hard financial times, prompting a sale of assets to NVIDIA. However, the Voodoo 5 6000 did reach... Read more...
Do you have a DOS box? No, no, not the excellent DOS emulator software—I'm talking about a dedicated older PC for DOS software. Mostly popular among retro gamers, building a DOS box is a tricky task in 2022 as much of the necessary hardware has shuffled off to the great e-waste landfill in the sky. Among the rarest... Read more...
Gather around kiddies for a tale of the bad old days. You see, once upon a time, PC gaming wasn't as unified as it is now. Graphics card vendors (and even individual graphics cards) had their own proprietary APIs, and sometimes games shipped as special versions for a given graphics card, complete with custom assets... Read more...
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that 3dfx has been making headlines for the past week. Although it seems likely that the whole exercise is one big publicity stunt, we have even more enticing 3dfx news for you today that is definitely more in the realm of reality. Earlier this year, we brought you a... Read more...
Believe it or not, the 3dfx Interactive account on Twitter that has created some buzz over a supposed comeback made its promised announcement today, and we have not been Rick Rolled! However, we might as well have been. The punchline to what we're 99.999 percent sure is a joke (who are we kidding, let's make it 100... Read more...
Will they or won't they? That's the big question surrounding 3dfx, which over that past week burst back onto the scene via a suspect Twitter account. Interest first sparked via a tweet over the weekend, which claimed that 3dfx would make a return this Thursday after a 20-year absence. Yesterday, Falcon Northwest got... Read more...
In all likelihood, someone with a bit of free time on their hands is trolling by teasing a 3dfx comeback story, with an announcement supposedly right on the horizon. And I am totally fine with that, honestly—3dfx is such a legendary brand that I welcome the nostalgic reminder of an earlier era. It is fitting, then... Read more...
While it may not have been the first 3D accelerator to market, the 3dfx (then, 3Dfx) Voodoo Graphics PCI was the add-in card that kickstarted the 3D gaming revolution. The company made its name on Voodoo graphics, but ultimately could not weather the storm of speedy cards that could process both 2D and 3D graphics... Read more...
For gamers of a certain age, the 3dfx Voodoo 5 6000 was perhaps the ultimate in graphics card excess. Developed at a time when 3dfx was facing increasing competition from the likes of NVIDIA and ATI, the Voodoo 5 6000 would have been a last-ditch effort to compete at the high-end of the gaming market.  While 3dfx... Read more...
If you want a trip down PC gaming memory lane, look no further than this MSDN blog post from this DirectX Developer Blog. DirectX has been around in one form or another since 1996, which is starting to really make us feel old. Over those 2+ decades, Microsoft's DirectX team has tested hundreds of graphics cards as... Read more...
A new book titled "The Legacy of 3dfx" sheds some incite on 3dfx's experimental Rampage graphics card that never saw a public release. A few pictures released early from the book reveal the results of a few benchmark tests that show how pre-production models of the Rampage GPU performed. 3dfx Interactive closed... Read more...
The Amiga community remains one of the most passionate and inventive we have ever seen, even now, decades after Commodore’s demise. A couple of weeks back, we featured just a few recent projects that were designed to breathe new life into aging Amiga systems, or at the very least ensure they remain repairable for the... Read more...
VIA announced today that it's signed an agreement to sell its share in S3 Graphics to the mobile phone manufacturer HTC. S3's GPU technology (dubbed Chrome) powers VIA's various chipsets and is paired with the company's Nano processor as part of its CPU platform. Given VIA's relative sliver of market share, this might... Read more...
Jon Peddie Research has released its Q1 2011 estimates, and the figures don't favor Nvidia. The research firm tracked strong gains for Intel and AMD (in terms of volume). AMD's total share of the GPU market rose to 24.8 percent, up from 21.5 percent a year ago (a gain of 24.8 percent total).  Intel came in at 54.4 percent, 9.7 percent... Read more...
Oh Nvidia, why must you play with our emotions like this? The GPU maker today introduced the 3dfx Voodoo 590, saying "a group of ex-3dfx veterans at Nvidia have been leading a secret double life...working on a revolutionary graphics card based on 3dfx technology." If you're an old school PC gamer, you're thinking this... Read more...
In a surprising turn of events, NVIDIA-built graphics cards have begun popping up at Best Buy stores across the nation. This is decidedly odd for a company that's made billions of dollars designing GPU products while leveraging board partners to bear the cost of manufacturing and marketing them, but NVIDIA confirmed that this new Best Buy... Read more...
NVIDIA's Chief Executive Jen-Hsun Huang has been in federal bankruptcy court for the last few days defending his company's move to buy one-time rival 3dfx. During his testimony, Jen-Hsun has made some interesting statements regarding his motivation for the acquisition, including his thoughts on 3dfx's engineers.... Read more...
For anyone out there still running a 3dfx board and looking for a modern driver, it seems that good fortune is smiling down upon you today. "First of all, it is nearly incredible that enthusiast community managed to support an operating system which was still in the works. Secondly - it is incredible that drivers that support both 32- and... Read more...
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