The post is not in english, the hardware was never sold at retail, and the company who designed it as long been deceased, but it's still cool to see someone modding a Voodoo5 6000. Seems like the modder didn't have that much success, however. He only hit 183MHz core and memory clocks (they ran syncronously back then). My...Read more...
OK folks! Listen up! We've got some great new breaking news for you here! Today we had a little chat with Brian Burke PR-SupaFly-Man of 3dfx! Check it... Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak with the us. We'll let you get back to more critical tasks ASAP. We Voodoo 3 Freaks wouldn't want to take you off the...Read more...
The VSA-100 - Voodoo4 & 5 Dispelling The Myth A discussion with 3dfx Interactive Thanks for stopping by folks. Tonight, we decided to have a little chat with our friends at 3dfx Interactive, Brian Burke P.R. Manager and Peter Wicher, Director of Product Marketing. It seems there has been some fairly serious debate...Read more...
Setting Standards In 3D Graphics THE Technology Summit Report! - July 30, 1999 So how is that for fan fare?! The good folks at 3dfx invited us to their Super-Top-Secret Technology Summit on Tuesday, July 27th. Several Webmasters and Technical Writers from various web sites were invited down to this exclusive little party inside the...Read more...
Setting Standards In 3D Graphics THE Technology Summit Report! - July 30, 1999 Roadmaps and Miles Stones - The history and future of 3dfx Once upon a time, this little spin off / start-up out of Silicon Graphics, invented a great new 3D only graphics chip called Voodoo. -Yesterday Without getting into too much fairy tale...Read more...
Setting Standards In 3D Graphics THE Technology Summit Report! - July 30, 1999 Hooray For Hollywood! No this isn't a Broadway show, this is the real deal. Or perhaps, depending on your perspective, the digitally animated artificial deal! :-) Regardless, 3dfx will bring to your PC these new features which will take your experience...Read more...
Setting Standards In 3D Graphics THE Technology Summit Report! - July 30, 1999 Soft Shadows and Reflections Let's face it, the shadows that are drawn in today's games via today's hardware, are a little lame. Nowhere in nature does any object cast a shadow that is perfectly symmetrical, sharp or even squared off and boxy. Today's...Read more...
3dfx Selling Core Graphics Assets To nVidia Corp. One step closer to complete domination, nVidia moves to assimilate the competition NVIDIA To acquire 3dfx core graphics assets SANTA CLARA, CA - DECEMBER 15, 2000 - NVIDIA® Corporation (Nasdaq: NVDA) today announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire certain graphics...Read more...
The 3dfx/STB Voodoo3 3000 Hey... Do you see that? What synergy we have here! These colors look great on us! Hot Hardware and Voodoo3. Black and Orange, an unlikely combination but oh sooo pretty! :-) We were one of the lucky few sites that got first dibs on a the first retail run...Read more...
The 3dfx Voodoo3-3000 PCI Leading Edge Technology For The Trailing Edge User As we all know with any business, you go where the market is. The old adage, "if you build it, they will come" works only in the movies. Not long ago the PC platform standardized on the next generation PC Graphics Bus Interface,...Read more...
The 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 PCI 3D Graphics for a legacy system adds leading edge performance By Dave "Davo" Altavilla 8/4/00 These days technology moves so fast that there is almost as much of an available market opportunity supporting older platforms, as there is producing for the "bleeding edge" market segment. PCI is...Read more...
The 3dfx Voodoo 5 Incarnate Up close and personal with 3dfx's next generation product By Dave "Davo" Altavilla and Marco "BigWop" Chiappetta 4/4/00 We packed our gear... Digicam, Notebooks, Laptop, Breath Spray, Cheeze Wiz, Rolaids... all the stuff that a good journalist should come prepared with to any important...Read more...
The Cadillac of Voodoo3! The 3dfx Voodoo3-3500TV In every market, whether you are selling Cars, Tupper-Ware, or 3D Video Cards, there is always a place for the high end. These types of products have all the bells and whistles and are tweaked, buffed and tuned for ultimate performance. This review is about the "Cadillac" of Voodoo3...Read more...
The 3dfx Voodoo 5 Run Down A discussion with Alf Covey of 3dfx A transcript of the HotHardware Forum Section By Dave "Davo" Altavilla 4/19/00 We are now officially in count down mode with the imminent release and launch of the 3dfx Voodoo 5, in a matter of weeks. Over the past three weeks, the HotHardware forum...Read more...
The 3dfx Voodootv 200 PCI Not just 3D Anymore... By Marco "BigWop" Chiappetta 10/24/00 Since their inception, 3dfx has been known as a leading manufacturer of high end 3D chipsets. From the beginning the Voodoo name was synonymous with gaming and has been a dominant brand at retail. They are arguably responsible for the entire PC...Read more...