It's no secret that Google is eyeing the wireless auction of the 700Mhz band. But what about Apple? Sources say they are considering entering the bidding, although they are currently leaning against doing so. Not because the cost itself, but more because of the mess they could be getting into. Dubbed "beachfront property" by the...Read more...
Apple sold a few hundred thousand iPhones in the first few days. Pshaw. That's nothing. Now, only 74 days into the life of the device, it's reached a number many cell phones never reach - one million sold. “One million iPhones in 74 days—it took almost two years to achieve this milestone with iPod,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO....Read more...
For a long, long time Microsoft was thought of as the big bully in technology - the company you loved to hate. ComputerWorld has an interesting opinion piece that proposes Microsoft's place has been taken by Apple, and a lot of the arguments make sense. The core complaint about Microsoft in the 1990s was that its Windows market share...Read more...
Despite the recent defection of NBC Universal, which may in fact been as a result of negotiations including this option, Apple is trying to lower the price of video downloads on iTunes. Their proposed new price would be 99 cents / TV episode. There are reasons for the network's unease. For example, DVD sales of television...Read more...
If nothing else, Apple is a whiz at PR and responds (generally) to customer complaints. In an open letter posted today, Steve Jobs addressed the anger early adopters of the iPhone have felt - and vented in various places - since yesterday's 33% price drop. Therefore, we have decided to offer every iPhone customer who purchased an iPhone...Read more...
The biggest news - no more 4GB iPhone. The 8GB iPhone will now be $200 less, at $399. Additionally, Apple revamped its entire iPod line, with a video nano, the iPod touch, and the iPod classic. The iPod nano now features a 2.0-inch display that features the same resolution as the previous-generation full-sized iPod: 320 x 240 pixels....Read more...
Yesterday we brought you a story about Apple and NBC Universal apparently having a spat over prices, and we've just uncovered a bit more information that casts a new light on the decision making process over at NBC Universal: “NBCU contends that Apple’s pricing is more about hardware than content: “It is clear that Apple’s retail pricing...Read more...
As we reported early, Apple and NBC Universal have decided to part ways over the pricing of TV shows. The bottom line is that ABC, CBS, and Fox have all agreed to the current $1.99 per show price, but NBC wanted to charge $4.99 per show.After NBC announced that they wouldn't renew their agreement with Apple, Apple has apparently decided to...Read more...
Ho-hum, it’s been nearly two weeks since the last Apple iPhone battery lawsuit. How time flies when lawyers are preparing briefs. Here we go with the third iPhone battery lawsuit. Interestingly, one of the attorneys representing the latest plaintiffs is Oakland-based lawyer H. Tim Hoffman, who also represents Sydney Leung, who...Read more...
It is no secret that OS X has outstanding accessibility options for the users with different needs. Many, if not all applications can be zoomed in upon, and most can even be set up to read to the user. and that's just the beginning.So why would so much thought be given to the technology, but not the place that it was sold and serviced? "Both...Read more...
That is definitely an impressive percentage, especially when you consider that desktop sales are dropping while notebook sales are rising. According to NPD, Apple’s U.S. retail notebook market share for June 2007 rose 2.2% from last year's 15.4% mark. As well as the notebooks are doing, Apple’s overall standing among computer makers is...Read more...
It's been less than two months, and already we've seen two iPhone software updates. This second one, like the first, focuses on bug fixes. Much like the first, there aren't many details available. This one weighs in at 92MB.It's pretty amazing how Apple continues to do this, as experience has shown that carrier certifications of these types...Read more...
ifo AppleStore, a website devoted to info about Apple's retail stores, (!) has an interesting analysis of the contribution of Apple's sticks and bricks stores to their bottom line. It highlights Apple's foresight in not relying solely on direct internet sales, or reseller displays in stores owned by others-- stores that may or may not be all...Read more...
Apple and AT&T have been sued for a second time over the controversial battery replacement plan for the iPhone. You may recall that last month Jose Trujillo of Melrose Park, Ill. sued the companies for $75,000 in damages over the battery. Monday a second lawsuit was filed, this time in California, alleging that Apple and AT&T deliberately...Read more...
If your employer wanted to give his workers that cutting edge buzz, he'd buy you all an Apple iPhone, right? Maybe so, but businesspeople are in for a steep learning curve learning to use the iPhone touchscreen for entering text. Consulting firm User Centric reports that people accustomed to the QWERTY keyboards on such business stalwarts...Read more...
Twenty years is a long time in the computer business, and the AppleWorks suite, which at one time was the industry's best-selling piece of software, has been laid to rest at the ripe old age of 23.AppleWorks was first written for the Apple II, and was one of the first integrated software suites. It eventually morphed into ClarisWorks, and...Read more...
It's called social networking iTunes-style. Today Apple unveiled web widgets designed to facilitate social networking between iTunes users. It allows customers to share their purchases, reviews, and favorite artists. Called My iTunes, the service includes three flash-based widgets that use a customers account information to create...Read more...
That was fast. Only a day after introducing their new line of aluminum and glass iMacs, Apple has released updates for them. The updates were only vaguely identified as providing "important bug fixes." Owners of the day-old 20-in. and 24-in. iMacs should install iMac Software Update 1.0, Apple said in a terse message accompanying...Read more...
Everybody seems to want to take a bite out of Apple these days. If it isn't a law suit over battery life it's apparently a law suit over the keyboard. This time it isn't a customer filing the law suit, but rather a patent-infringement case filed by SP Technologies. SP Technologies is claiming that Apple is infringing upon a patent that...Read more...
At least one customer hasn’t been too thrilled with some of the battery issues with the new iPhone from Apple.Jose Trujillo, irritated customer, has filed a class action law suit against Apple: “One iPhone customer wasn't happy at all with the iPhone's battery life or the two alternatives to replacing a defective battery and filed a class-action...Read more...
$7,000,000,000. Can you guess what in the wonderful world of IT that number refers to? If you guessed the weekly allowance that Bill Gates gives his children, you’re probably close, but not quite on target.It is actually the amount of market value that Apple declined on news that iPhone activations were far behind the expected sales numbers....Read more...
If you are one of those people who already owns an Apple TV, then you might want to go into your menu and force an update. The security patch that fixes a buffer overflow issue will not be part of automatic updates at this time. Description: A buffer overflow vulnerability exists in the UPnP IGD (Internet Gateway Device Standardized Device...Read more...