Items tagged with KickStarter

The 3D printer market is wide open, particularly as it pertains to innovation, and a gang of college kids from Brooklyn are sticking their collective foot in the door with a unique 3D printer design that promises simplicity, fast print speeds, and inexpensive expandable print volume. Instead of the box design that most 3D printers on the market... Read more...
Looking back, it seems almost adorable that we were all so impressed that the Oculus Rift whipped up $2.4 million in Kickstarter funds. This summer, Oculus raised $16 million from investors led by Spark Capital and Matrix Partners, and the company has now landed an additional $75 million in another round of funding... Read more...
A British company called CEL has developed a 3D printer that portends to offer extraordinary ease of use without sacrificing high-end features. The stylish Robox 3D Printer will cost $1,364 when it launches in the U.S. early next year, and it includes CEL’s AutoMaker software that’s designed to let users... Read more...
We feel like we’ve said it recently, but this has been a good year for virtual reality and gaming. For example, the Oculus Rift is rolling, and we’ve seen additional innovations from the likes of Omni, with its omni-directional treadmill and Atlas, a project designed to use Oculus Rift to turn... Read more...
If you’ve read this site even casually lately, you know that crowdfunding is here in force. Sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo offer entrepreneurs, startups, and otherwise unfunded techies with a prototype and a dream the chance to engage the world and excite backers to front some money for their projects. It’s a powerful, grassroots... Read more...
Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune did it. He raised more than his stated goal of $900,000 in a Kickstarter campaign to fund Mighty No. 9, a classic Japanese side-scrolling title evolved for the modern era on the PC platform. It's been dubbed by media outlets as the spiritual successor to Mega Man, and certainly the game... Read more...
Although it might make smartphone hardware and UI designers feel the same way a fine chef does when a diner dumps ketchup all over their steak, there’s a smartphone add-on button in the works called Pressy that would let Android users perform a number of actions with simple button clicks. Pressy is a tiny button... Read more...
The Leap Motion controller has nothing on this thing; Haptix is a project that, simply put, is designed to turn any surface into a multitouch surface. (Get it? Haptics.) Ostensibly, this allows for input in more ways, and it opens up more possibilities for user customization. The Haptix team sees the device as... Read more...
Distributed manufacturing is most definitely evolving thanks in large part to innovations in the 3D printing world, and a company called Mebotics is looking to take things a step further with the Microfactory, an all-in-one machine that etches, 3D prints, and mills. The unit is small and light enough to rest on a... Read more...
Kickstarters seem to love smartwatches, and the latest one to emerge and quickly rack up thousands in crowdfunding is the Omate TrueSmart. At first blush it seems completely uncompelling to see yet another smartwatch crop up, but this one is a completely different take on the concept, which could set it apart from the... Read more...
A company called AIO Robotics announced that it will be launching a Kickstarter campaign on September 4th to raise money for a 3D printer that also offers 3D “copying” (i.e., 3D scanning), and 3D faxing. (Yes, 3D faxing, as in you could “fax” someone a 3D file that would automatically print on... Read more...
When the Pebble smartwatch hit Kickstarter looking to raise $100,000, nobody could have guessed that it would annihilate crowdfunding records and end up generating $10,266,845 in pledges. It’s far less surprising to see Canonical’s Ubuntu Edge superphone--a smartphone with tantalizing features--rack up the... Read more...
Kickstarter has quickly become the go-to place for new gadgetry; why waste effort and energy trying to convince a company to cough up funding for an unproven concept, when you can just ask the world to believe in your idea? KEEO is yet another Kickstarter concept that could turn out quite nicely, deemed the world's... Read more...
If you never picked up one of those iconic “Choose Your Own Adventure” book when you were a kid, your childhood was not complete. The cleverly-written adventure books let you, the reader, decide what would happen next. If you wanted X to happen, you’d turn to page 23; if you wanted to Y, you’d turn to page 89, and so... Read more...
Developer Rei Kagetsuki is spearheading a Kickstarter campaign to fund the creation of animated PNG (APNG) tools with the ultimate goal of replacing animated GIFs (pronounced "jif," in case you're wondering) as the de facto standard for moving images. With 28 days to go, he's already more than halfway to his $5,000 goal courtesy of about a... Read more...
OUYA was a rousing success on Kickstarter, and in a very short time, the project developed into an actual commercial offering with a real product on store shelves and a host of developers working on games for the $99 gaming console. OUYA even raised enough money to fund a million-dollar game-seeding award. However, not everyone was happy,... Read more...
When the folks behind Fuel3D say they have a 3D camera scanner, they’re not talking about a simple stereoscopic device; rather the Fuel3D is a “fully 3D surface scanner consisting of a large number of physical and color measurements” including geometric stereo and photometric stereo data... Read more...
Wearable computing is increasingly becoming something that makes sense for average users, and here’s another reason to take the plunge: the NFC ring. Simply put, the ring is equipped with two NFC transmitters or “inlays”--one for public use and a secure one for private use--and it allows to wearer to... Read more...
What a difference a year makes. Early last July, OUYA didn’t exist; fast forward through an astonishing Kickstarter campaign, successful hardware and software development, another round of funding, and a retail launch, and OUYA has suddenly evolved from merely a cool idea for an Android-based console to a highly... Read more...
Jim Walls and Robert Lindsley, both formerly of Sierra Games where they helped birth Police Quest, are returning to the well to create a new police adventure game called Precinct. The team is raising funds on Kickstarter to finance the project. Set in Fraser Canyon, California, Precinct will offer “real... Read more...
It hasn’t been all that long since the Pebble smartwatch took Kickstarter by storm, whipping up a cool $10 million in funds, but the device appears poised for genuine success. In a blog post, Pebble’s Eric Migicovsky dished out some numbers surrounding the smartwatch that bode well for its success... Read more...
In the latest Kickstarter update sent out by Replay Games to backers of Leisure Suit Larry Reloaded, it was revealed that Larry creator Al Lowe will be participating in another Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on Saturday, July 6th (that's today!) at 1:00 PM Eastern (10:00 AM Pacific for you folks living on the... Read more...
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