Items tagged with KickStarter

The teeny-tiny PC movement that's leading the Internet of Things (IoT) category is largely dominated by ARM-based processors, and for good reason—they're cheap and capable. That's fine and dandy, but what if you prefer to work with a x86 architecture? You have options, one of them being JaguarBoard, a mini PC project... Read more...
The cool thing about playing Duck Hunt on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was that you got to point a plastic gun at the television and shoot at fowl (or clay discs). It offered a deeper level of immersion than what would have been possible with a controller. Such is the pitch for a new Kickstarter project... Read more...
Little by little, many of the neat inventions featured in the Back to the Future trilogy are finally coming to fruition. Nike's built a pair powered kicks, there are various hoverboard technologies out there (careful of the ones with wheels), and now the self-drying jacket donned by Marty McFly in the second flick is... Read more...
If you’re a fan of classing gaming console, then you’ve likely no doubt heard of Nolan Bushnell. Bushnell helped found Atari and developed the classic game Pong. Apparently, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, as his sons, Tyler and Dylan Bushnell, are looking to bring retro gaming to a new generation with... Read more...
Crowdfunding giant Kickstarter has been around since 2009. In that time, it's raised more than $2 billion in pledges from 9.5 million people, having crossed the threshold last month on October 11. To celebrate the occasion, Kickstarter revealed a whole bunch of interesting (and mind boggling) figures on its... Read more...
It could be argued that the "masses" didn't quite understand the importance of protecting themselves digitally until Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the unparalleled spying efforts of the NSA a few years ago. The problem, though, is that while for the experienced user, it's almost fun setting everything up to... Read more...
If Android is the Batman of mobile operating systems, then where's Robin? The answer is Kickstarter. Robin is the name of a new crowdfunding project by Nextbit, a company consisting of experienced mobile and technology specialists with resumes spanning HTC, Google, Amazon, and Apple. What exactly is Robin? It's... Read more...
One of the coolest things about VR is that it can take us to some incredible destinations, either real or fictional. But from gaming to video, what place could be cooler than outer space? The mere thought of being able to explore space via VR gives me goosebumps; it'd give us an incredible perspective on what goes on... Read more...
I was really looking forward to Matchstick, the first HDMI streaming dongle based on Mozilla's open source Firefox OS. Unfortunately, its developers are putting the word out that they're cancelling the successfully funded Kickstarter project due to difficulties with digital rights management (DRM). On the bright side... Read more...
Is that a tricorder in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? While we’ve seen handheld devices that mimic the look and feel of Star Trek Communicators, the handheld SCiO will truly make you feel like a member Dr. McCoy’s medical team. The SCiO turns science fiction into science fact by shrinking mass... Read more...
Shenmue 3 is a game that was 14 years in the marking, and thanks to a record-setting Kickstarter campaign (the game raised $2 million in just 9 hours), we’ve seen that fans of the popular game series are still willing to show their support for creator Yu Suzuki. When the Kickstarter campaign was first initiated... Read more...
Pebble launched its Kickstarter campaign for the Time smartwatch in late February, and by late March the company raised over $20 million for the project. Although many questioned the need for Pebble to dip into the Kickstarter well again with the Time given that it is an established player in the smartwatch space, you... Read more...
To quote Japanese game designer and producer Yu Suzuki, creator of the Shenmue series that last saw a title update 14 years ago, "The fate of Shenmue is in your hands now." Originally he might have been talking about whether or not Shenmue 3 would be made, but having surpassed the $2 million funding goal on... Read more...
Last month HotHardware reported on how Ohio-based Nikola Labs wowed the crowd at the Disrupt conference — and the Internet — by presenting a smartphone case. Of course, it didn't trot out one of your typical keep-the-dings-off smartphone cases, though, but one that can capture the 90 percent of waste energy pumped out... Read more...
The Federal Trade Commission has left its stamp on the crowdfunding scene by taking legal action against Erik Chevalier, the Kickstarter project creator who raised more than $122,000 funds from 1,246 backers to produce a board game called The Doom That Came to Atlantic City. In the end, it was the backers who were doomed, as the project was Read more...
When the first Raspberry Pi model came out just over three-years-ago, who would have guessed the kind of spark it'd have on the market? Since its release, there have been numerous add-ons available for it, a ton of different software crafted for it, follow-up models, and of course, lots of competition. Well, up to... Read more...
The most successfully funded campaign in the history of Kickstarter (in terms of amount raised) belongs to a smartwatch. That was true a few weeks ago when the Pebble Time smartwatch raised over $17 million from more than 67,000 backers with 18 days remaining, and now that the crowdfunding period is over, the new... Read more...
Mmm, pancakes! The love of pancakes is nearly as ubiquitous as the affection for bacon, which incidentally go great together. It also helps that making pancakes is pretty easy, unless you try to get fancy with artistic creations that go beyond simply stick figures. But that's okay, you can still woo your kids and... Read more...
It's often said that records are meant to be broken, and every once in a while, they're downright shattered. Case in point, the Pebble Time smartwatch is now the most funded Kickstarter campaign in the history of the crowdfunding site, having raised over $17 million from more than 67,000 backers with 18 days still... Read more...
Last week, Pebble caught the attention of the wearables market with the announcement of the new Pebble Time. The smartwatch is 20 percent thinner than the original model, includes an e-paper display, and still manages to last for seven days on a single charge. I stated in my previous article that I was a bit... Read more...
Pebble is launching a new Kickstarter campaign, and the star this time around is its new Pebble Time smartwatch. In a nascent market that is seeing the rise of LCD and OLED-powered smartwatches running the Android Wear operating system (the much-hyped Apple Watch is still two months away), the Pebble Time forgoes... Read more...
Records are meant to be broken, but who would have though a card game called "Exploding Kittens" would be the one to dethrone Ouya as the most funded project Kickstarter has ever seen? Well, it happened, with Exploding Kittens erupting to $8,782,571, beating Ouya's record by more than $213,000. It also attracted more... Read more...
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