Items tagged with COM

Viacom filed suit against YouTube last year, alleging that YouTube wasn't taking sufficient measures to ensure that copyrighted material wasn't being freely distributed by the YouTube community.  YouTube seems to have taken complaints from Viacom and others seriously, and has developed an anti-piracy technology that requires copyright... Read more...
In a move that runs counter to the very concept of Net Neutrality - that all data is treated the same - the Associated Press has found, and confirmed with tests, that Comcast blocks attempts by users to share files online.The interference, which The Associated Press confirmed through nationwide tests, is the most drastic example yet of data... Read more...
California based Broadcom has released a new microprocessor for mobile phones, suitable for so-called 3G, or third generation mobile phone standards. Their "phone on a chip" incorporates the cellphone band, a radio receiver, an FM radio receiver, and is Bluetooth enabled too. Industry watchers say the chip is likely to give Broadcom a leg... Read more...
Will Poole is tasked with leading Microsoft's push into emerging markets like China, South America, and Africa. His job is simple, really: Find Microsoft another billion computer users. He outlined his approach in a question and answer meeting, touching on interesting approaches to get technology to very poor and isolated places, including... Read more...
The good thing about this is our contract with DirecTV does not end for months.  This delay means we might still be able to sign up for a roll-out, if it ever happens --- and if it ever happens in our area.Comcast's seemingly never-ending delays in getting TiVo service to its customers continued Tuesday, as the company admitted it was... Read more...
Mona Shaw, of Bristow Virginia, decided that she'd had enough of Comcast's customer service and chose to do something about it: The 75-year-old took a hammer and starting demolishing a Comcast office.  Not bad for someone who lived through World War II and has a heart condition.While this obviously isn't the recommended way to settle... Read more...
Microsoft has removed the requirement for WGA validation when downloading Internet Explorer 7, meaning users of pirated copies of Windows XP can now experience tabbed browsing Microsoft-style. "IE7 was released to the public nearly a year ago, but has yet to overtake its predecessor as the most used Web browser. The removal of the WGA requirement... Read more...
If you've been around long enough, you'll remember that there actually was a fairly large gaming market brewing for Apple at one point in time, but somewhere along the way things went sour and the Mac went a long time with a very limited selection of titles.  That's slowly changing, especially with developers like Blizzard and even Electronic... Read more...
AMD Licenses 3D Graphics Core Technology to QUALCOMM, Delivering The Ultimate Visual Experience to Tomorrow's Phones Advanced QUALCOMM Wireless Chipsets to Include AMD Graphics Technology for Immersive Mobile Gaming SUNNYVALE, CALIF. -- AMD (NYSE: AMD - News) today announced an agreement to license cutting-edge graphics core technology to... Read more...
Given the wild success of the iPhone, Apple seems to be considering a return to the PDA market according to sources.This isn't the first time such rumors have made the rounds, and it could very well be that Apple has occasionally borrowed development resources from the project and put them to work on products like the iPhone.  With other projects... Read more...
The company whose name is virtually synonymous with on-line searches has been rumored to be interested in getting into the telecom business for quite a while now.  Apparently that rumor may be more fascinating than the truth: Google has a need for speed that only fiber optics can fufill:Google does have an abiding interest in bandwidth. Google's... Read more...
Straight out of Silicon Valley, and perhaps a Skype Exec's worst nightmare, a new startup calling itself Ooma is planning to offer a $399 device that will allow users to make unlimited free calls.  Unlike Skype, which made its debut on computers before moving on to telephone-like devices, Ooma is simply a box that will sit between your phone... Read more...
In the past we've reported the Comcast has been disconnecting broadband service to people it loosely defines as 'excessive' users.  Comcast defines 'excessive' as homes or businesses that download about 3 motion pictures or roughly 1000 songs a day over an unspecified period of time.Users who violate this typically get a phone call or possibly... Read more...
Samsung reports that along with Micron Technology, Nokia, Texas Instruments, Ericsson, Spansion, and STMicroelectronics, they've  agreed to create and adhere to an industry standard format for flash memory data cards, anticipated to be in place by 2009.   "For makers, the open common standard will help them cut... Read more...
When you think of supercomputers, you usually imagine a bunch of IBM looking fellows and ladies wearing white lab coats and clutching clipboards in a clean room next to a big  rack of silicon. But that's old-fashioned thinking;  New Zealand computer scientist Peter Gutman did some calculations, and the most powerful supercomputer in the world... Read more...
The slide rule/tin foil hat set is having  a "Singularity Summit"  to discuss artificial intelligence, and they all seem a bit worried. Worried that information technology is getting very powerful very fast, and that might mean that machines will soon be smarter than their makers. They seem to be suffering from an overdose of Gene Roddenberry,... Read more...
Unlimited.  The Princeton on-line dictionary offers several possible usages of the word, however the one that would directly apply to the consumption of some resource would be the following:inexhaustible: that cannot be entirely consumed or used up; "an inexhaustible supply of coal" That definition makes perfect sense to most, but apparently... Read more...
Sharp electronics has come up with a LCD screen that incorporates an optical sensor in each pixel of the panel. Current popular touchscreen items like the iPhone handle touchscreen commands with a layer of film bonded to the display panel. Sharp's breakthrough means decreased thickness for the screen, higher image quality, and makes an LCD... Read more...
For a long time, people have thought of Google as a sort of wildy successful lemonade stand. Two young fellows and their friends giving away a white page with a little rectangle to type in what you're looking for. They actually claimed to do no evil.  Well, Google is big enough to hate now, I guess; and between their loopy explanations of... Read more...
In the spring said it would unveil a digital music store by year's-end. It looks like they are going to beat their timeline. Sources indicate that will launch an MP3-based music service in mid-September. However, it's also indicated that the date is somewhat fluid, as it has been pushed back several times already (shades... Read more...
The year's most anticipated PC game, Crysis, is scheduled to be released on November 16, but it looks like Electronic Arts will be giving gamers a taste of the game almost two month prior to its arrival.  According to a post on the official EA / Crysis website, a demo will be released on September 25 that'll let gamers play through the entire... Read more...
Is one-hand control better than two? For years that's been the design around smartphones.  And that's the way we've used a variety of smartphones.  However, Apple went its own way and designed a UI that, unless you have some pretty flexible fingers, requires two hands to operate. "Everyone is still trying to make a one-handed product," Rolston... Read more...
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