Items tagged with COM

Yes, this was a monumental waste of good hardware and the average enthusiast will never have access to the resources necessary to pull something like this off, but the end result is so cool you just have to check this out.  Matt Tovey is an HPC and Storage IT specialist currently living near Munich, Germany.  He recently worked on a project... Read more...
Today Comcast today responded to reports by the blog Torrentfreak, which we posted a few days ago.   In that article, it was reported that users were experiencing slowdowns and even dropped transfers, and that Comcast was the culprit. Over the past few days, these claims have been widely circulated throughout the Web. But when I spoke... Read more...
Besides the obvious breaches in personal information we all hear about - lost laptops, stolen hard drives, lost CDs - there is the less obvious.  An example would be accidental or intentional sending of sensitive information, such as Social Security numbers, via email.  Or even, as has happened fairly recently, sending denigrating comments... Read more...
Comcast users who have recently reported that their download speeds have dropped and/or their inability to seed has started making waves, after all, Comcast is a major player in the broadband arena.It is no surprise then, that Comcast is now officially doing something about piracy: they’re throttling BitTorrent activity on their own network.... Read more...
For an old-timer like me, C|Net's tour of the DigiBarn, a 19th-century farmhouse deep in the Santa Cruz mountains, about 90 minutes south of San Francisco, brings back a lot of memories.  Late nights huddled in front of my C64 using Nibble-Copy to "backup" some games, hammering my way through Sword of Sodan on the IIGS and Shadow of the beast... Read more...
Skype isn’t commenting just yet on the major outage that has befallen the service.  Since the trouble began, Skype has ceased allowing users to download the client while they iron out what is believed to be a software issue.The problem started late on the 15th, when both log-in and connectivity issues struck the Skype.  Current estimates are... Read more...
Another day, another report of tight supply of finished electronic goods due to shortages of lowly but vital components like IC chips and printed circuit boards. According to Digitimes, Nintendo will have to continue to delay expanding production of its wildly popular Wii gaming console because of  component shortages. With the... Read more...
Hard to believe it's been that long isn't it? Or maybe that's not quite right.  With the iPod and other MP3 players, along digital music downloads, perhaps the "Golden Age" of the CD is over, just as it reaches its 25th birthday. It was Aug. 17, 1982, and row upon row of palm-sized plates with a rainbow sheen began rolling off... Read more...
We first took a look at Intel's P35 Express chipset back in May, when it was released into the wild to supplant the still relatively youthful P965 and usher in the era of DDR3 memory and 1333MHz FSB Intel processors. The P965 is a tough act to follow. Despite its intended mid-range market placement, Intel didn't hamper the P965 in any way... Read more...
Apple recently released the iPhone, which uses a technology called “multi-touch” to help users navigate through menus, programs, and even the web.  The technology has been so well received that it has been widely rumored that Apple will use the same technology to other products such as the next generation of iPods.Multi-touch might not just... Read more...
NVIDIA SMASHES VISUAL COMPUTE DENSITY RECORD WITH NEW GPU SERVER NVIDIA Quadro Plex VCS Server Combines Four Quadro GPUs in a Standard 1U Server Configuration for Remote Graphics and Offline Rendering Applications SIGGRAPH 2007 — SAN DIEGO, CA — NVIDIA Corporation (Nasdaq: NVDA) continues... Read more...
The National Science Foundation is prepared to award IBM with a contract to construct the world’s fastest supercomputer the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. The machine cost $200 million to construct and could cost over $400 million during its five-year lifespan. Designated as the “super” supercomputer, it will be the first... Read more...
A recent addition to the HotHardware forums, CRYSJON, posted a link to an awesome trailer for id's just announced first person shooter / driving game hybrid "Rage" that you all just have to see.  The game takes place in a post apocalyptic Earth decimated by a comet's impact.  But Rage will not be the typical indoor id shooter.  Rage is a new... Read more...
If AMD’s newly unveiled roadmap is accurate, we should be seeing its next generation chipset quite soon. Codenamed the RS780, the new chipset is intended for consumer and commercial desktop platforms. The RS780 chipset features an integrated graphics solution and will come with DX10 support, AMD’s UVD technology, DisplayPort, HDMI and DVI... Read more...
Advertisers have decided that they want to have a presence in Second Life, even though they don't know what it is, really. Throwing money at a technology you don't understand? Check. Inflated traffic figures?  Check. A vague sense of urgency coupled with 6 and 7 figure outlays? Check. No way to measure return? Check. Hey, look, they've put... Read more...
Computers have gotten to the point where they can routinely decimate the best human players at many games, but most of those games can be boiled down to simply analyzing x number of moves in advance and seeing which move(s) result in the highest probability of success.  What about games that might use a bit of instinct and intuition, especially... Read more...
According to a telephone interview with John Antone, VP and GM of Intel’s Asia-Pacific division, Intel is providing samples of its Penryn workstation and server CPUs to various computer makers way before the planned launch date, which is Q4 of 2007. “‘We're now broadly sampling [Penryn] for all the various platforms.’” Penryn is the code... Read more...
If you were a young lad who was enjoying youth during the 1980s, you may remember your very first computer experience, whether it was with a Commodore 64, Vic-20, or Amiga. Feeling nostalgic? Well Commodore is making a comeback in the U.S. quite soon, this time as a powerful gaming computer. Meet Commodore Gaming, which has already been launched... Read more...
Project Falcon is the codename for Microsoft’s latest plan to change the architecture of future Xbox 360s such that they are less prone to overheating problems as their contemporary brethren. After a recent investigation by Microsoft, the company has been plagued with a $1 billion check to extend the warranties of red ring sufferers and other... Read more...
Google today announced that it has reached a settlement to acquire Postini, a company that provides clients with security services (protecting instant messaging, e-mail, and other modes of communication). The $625 million deal gives Google access to an established clientele of over 35,000 businesses and 10 million international users, and... Read more...
Over the last few years, a relatively simple PC technology, the TV tuner, has helped to transform the way that millions of people use their personal computers. TV tuners - in conjunction with smaller form factors - have helped to create a new category of PC, the HTPC, that blends the audio and video capabilities of your television with the... Read more...
W e’ve just a posted a new article here at HotHardware in which we evaluate the features and image quality of AMD’s brand new ATI TV Wonder 650 Combo PCI Express.  Here’s a snip from the piece: "The most obvious physical change to the ATI TV Wonder 650 PCIe is... Read more...
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