Search Results For: ipad.aspx

The Onion, known for parody and satire, surely timed this intentionally. The site released an official iPad version of its app on the day best known for faux news: April Fools' Day. The app, free of charge at the App Store, gives you mobile access to both the Web and TV-based satire The Onion is known for. Known as America's Finest News Source,... Read more...
You can now rest easy, gentlemen and ladies. President Barack Obama owns a computer. Phew! Oh, and he owns an iPad, too! Double phew! As if there was any question about the man who owns a $3,000, specialized BlackBerry owning a computer, let us put that to rest. During a brief trip to South America, Obama admitted on Univision that he owns... Read more...
If you've been looking for iPad 2, you've probably come up empty thus far. Both Apple and Best Buy stores have been running low on stock, but a newcomer is starting to sell the newest Apple slate starting today. Radio Shack is throwing their hat into the ring, with 500 Radio Shack locations to stock the tablet. At least, for a little while.... Read more...
Well, that was quick! Just a couple of days after reports started flooding out that Time Warner Cable would be introducing a live streaming application for the iPad, that very application has now launched. It's called TWCable TV, and for now, it's exclusive to iPad. It's a free app for those who subscribe to TWC's high-speed Internet and pay-TV... Read more...
When Steve Jobs launched the iPad 2 recently, he was even more close-mouthed about its enhancements than usual. With NVIDIA's Tegra 2 starting to ship en masse and tablets on the hot seat for 2011, there's a tremendous amount of interest in the iPad 2's nuts and bolts. Much of that interest has focused on the tablet's... Read more...
It's becoming more and more common: iPad apps from pay-TV providers that allow users to stream television that is saved on their DVR. Pay-TV companies are facing the future of a connected universe that can easily get most of the content they want from the Internet. So, to combat that and prevent users from leaving all at once, they've started... Read more...
The iPad is definitely a well-liked gadget, and now parents with autistic children have one more reason to like this handy little tablet: it may help reduce the number of violent meltdowns their children experience each day. According to experts, the iPad actually can reduce the symptoms of the disorder by helping kids deal with life's sensory... Read more...
With the launch of the iPad 2, the roar for having Flash on mobile devices seems to be weakening. It was viewed as a major pitfall for the first iPad, but things are a bit different now. For one, there are a lot of Android devices already on the market that support Flash viewing, and also, a lot of websites have... Read more...
Did you avoid the iPad 2 rush this weekend? Or did you just miss out unintentionally? If you were trying to hunt down an iPad 2, but came up empty-handed, there's more bad news in store. Apple's online store currently shows a 3-4 week wait for the newest iOS slate, and loads of Best Buy stores, Target locations and Walmarts have sold out of... Read more...
Apple's iPad 2 is coming, and that means iOS 4.3 is coming. Oh, wait. It's here already! Consider it an early gift from Apple, but those with iPhone 4s and newer iPod touch devices (as well as the first iPad) can now download iOS 4.3, the company's latest version of the highly popular iOS mobile operating system. The software update went live... Read more...
Steve Jobs and company made sure to present the iPad ecosystem in the best light possible when announcing the iPad 2, and may have distorted the facts a bit in the process (we'll let you be the judge of that, see here). But while Jobs was busy misquoting Samsung and painting a decidedly different picture of the Galaxy... Read more...
AT&T is doing its grandfather thing, which it has been doing historically, at least of late. Those iPad owners who were able to get unlimited data plans prior to AT&T removing it as an option, in 2010, will be able to keep those plans if they move to an iPad 2. It's not really a new idea: AT&T did the same... Read more...
Quick! There's still time to list your first generation iPad tablet on eBay or Craigslist before its value crashes faster than Lindsey Lohan's career. That's assuming Apple really is getting ready to unveil the iPad 2 at a press event later today, and every indication suggests it's going to happen. Even Best Buy has reportedly taken steps... Read more...
For as corny as the radio commercials are, GoToMyPC is definitely a hit in the business world. It's simple, clean, and gets to the point. That spells success in the business world, where red tape and clutter are more the rule than the exception. Citrix Online, the company responsible for that app, has just made another huge leap forward, and... Read more...
Chalk up another Apple confirmation. Not only did we find out that March 2nd would be the day that Apple would reveal the iPad 2, and now the company is revealing that the North Carolina data center they invested in last year will be for iTunes and MobileMe. The news was confirmed during a Q&A session at a shareholder meeting, with the... Read more...
On the same day that rumors about delays for both the iPad 2 and iPhone 5 caused Apple stock to drop precipitously, news from BoomTown was that Apple was set to unveil its next-generation "magical device," the iPad 2, on March 2. The news came on Feb. 22 when Apple (AAPL) stock tumbled, based on the earlier reports of delays, closing at $338.61,... Read more...
Well, that confirms it. The rumors have led us to a confirmation, as March 2nd has been set as the date in which the next iPad will be revealed. According to this image, which was sent along with an invite to various media sources, something big is coming on March 2nd, and considering that an iPad is shown there in the corner, Apple would... Read more...
These days, pay-TV providers are doing just about anything to get people to keep their cable subscriptions. And that usually includes building an iPhone and/or iPad app to make interacting with their services that much easier. Comcast has an app, Verizon has a FiOS TV app and DISH Network has an app. So what DirecTV? They're on the ball, and... Read more...
AT&T will begin selling iPad accessories at 50 percent off, starting Sunday, Feb. 13. As noted by BGR, this could be a suspicious turn of events: AT&T doesn’t usually put items on clearance sales unless a replacement is near. The timing seems in-line with reports that Apple will be announcing the iPad 2 before the end of the... Read more...
If you own Seagate's GoFlex TV or FreeAgent Theater+ HD media player, and you also enjoy using your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch, there' a new control app that you should consider. For now, the only real way to control either of those boxes is with the remote that ships inside of the box. But that's a hassle. Why not use a device you already... Read more...
When the iPad was created, some analysts suspected that it would mark the second coming of the magazine and newspaper industry. When subscription numbers started to fall, some suspected that it would be e-readers and tablets picking up the slack. To date, that hasn't really been the case. A few really amazing looking magazines have been ported... Read more...
Little things like work, money, and travel tend to get in the way of fun stuff. If that weren't the case, maybe you would have attended a Google event yesterday in which the search Goliath demonstrated its much anticipated Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) operating system. We've seen some teaser videos of this potentially awesome OS before, but this... Read more...
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