ORIGIN PC EVO17-S Laptop Review: Powerful, Thin GeForce RTX-Powered Gaming

Origin PC EVO17-S Review: Shadow of Mordor, Tomb Raider, FC5

With its high-end 6-core Core i7 processor and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Max-Q GPU, the Origin PC EVO17-S is plenty capable of running today's games. We started our actual game tests with Middle Earth: Shadow Of Mordor, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and FarCry 5.

Middle Earth: Shadow Of Mordor And Shadow Of War Gaming Performance
Glorious Orc-Slaying Vengeance

Middle Earth: Shadow Of Mordor is a great looking game, that's fun to play as well. We tested the Origin PC EVO17-S with the High image quality preset and various moderate resolutions for high frame rates across its fast 144Hz panel.


In an older title like this one that's going to be somewhat CPU-bound, the GeForce RTX 2080 Max-Q was on equal footing with a ful-power (non Max-Q) GeForce GTX 1080 and it was a good deal faster than the GeForce GTX 1080 Max-Q found in the Alienware 17 R4.

Rise Of The Tomb Raider
DirectX 12 Performance
Rise of the Tomb Raider started as a console port, but the developer updated it with a DirectX 12 code path and enhanced graphics modes for the PC. It supports visual effects like Ambient Occlusion, Depth of Field, Dynamic Foliage, Bloom shaders, Tessellation and more. 

timb raider
The performance of the GeForce RTX 2080 Max-Q on board the Origin EVO17-S has been consistent throughout our testing. It performs at roughly the same level as a full fat GeForce GTX 1080 and in most cases is significantly faster than the GeForce GTX 1080 Max Q.
Far Cry 5 
The Dunia Engine Lives On
Next up, we’ve got some benchmark scores from FarCry 5. Like its predecessors, FarCry 5 is a fast-action shooter set in an open world environment with lush visuals and high graphics fidelity. The game takes place in a fictional county in Montana, where a cult has taken over control of the area. We tested all of the graphics cards here using Ultra Quality settings to see how they handled this AAA title.

origina fc5

We only had comparison data from a couple of other gaming notebooks, so we mixed in some results from our desktop graphics card test bed as well to give you a better picture of the overall GPU landscape. As you can see, the Origin PC EVO17-S finishes about in the middle of the pack, and is able to achieve 100FPS in this title.

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