AMD Fusion: A8-3500M A-Series Llano APU Review

Gaming: Integrated APU Graphics - Dirt 3

We continue to stress the AMD Llano system and its competitive counterparts here with the latest racing simulation title to hit the market, Dirt 3. 

Dirt 3
DX11 Gaming Performance

Dirt 3

Dirt 3, the sequel to the original Colin McRae: Dirt and Dirt 2 racing games, was released in May of this year. The PC version of the game is based on Codemaster's Ego engine, that has full support for DirectX 11 effects. Dirt 3 is also a solid benchmark for multi-core processors since DX11 is designed to take advantage of multi-threaded system architectures.

The trend continues for the AMD Llano system here with Dirt 3.  The A8-3500M puts up a frame rate some 55%+ faster than Intel's fastest quad-core chip with integrated graphics.  Though it falls short of our GeForce GT 525M discrete GPU-equipped system, it's impressive to see just how capable Llano is on its own. 1280X720 with 4X AA enabled and completely playable in Dirt 3; one word - impressive.

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