Items tagged with Hackers

A ransomware gang known as LAPSUS$ has recently hit a number of big-name targets, including NVIDIA, Samsung, and Ubisoft, and the group may have now added Microsoft to that list. LAPSUS$ made waves at the end of February when news broke that NVIDIA had been hit by a cyber-attack. In an unexpected twist, LAPSUS$... Read more...
In another example of social engineering’, an unpatchable bug has been discovered in iOS. This ultimate persistence bug makes you think your iPhone has been shut down when it hasn’t. Once in effect, it’s a trivial matter for nefarious individuals to activate your iPhone’s camera and microphone to spy on you. The... Read more...
Criminal ransomware distributors have evolved dramatically over the past few years. Operators that were once splinter groups or lone individuals have become highly sophisticated and organized. Security experts say it’s not getting any better, either. Rather, some say we’re in the “golden era of ransomware” and 2022... Read more...
As ransomware and cybercrime are constantly making the headlines these days in traditional electronic mediums, Zelle banking users are also finding themselves being targeted by scammers. Worse yet, in the wake of having funds stolen from bank accounts, victims are finding little to no help from their banking... Read more...
Russian hackers are reaching out to Chinese threat actors in an attempt to share tips and collaborate on cyber attacks. This comes at a time where there has been an increase in activity of Mandarin and Chinese-speaking players on RAMP and other communities across the dark web. RAMP was created last summer by a... Read more...
It's easy to think of hackers in the colloquial sense as being the enemies of society. People who break into computer systems and sabotage electronics to gain control of them or steal data; how could someone like that be of benefit to society at large? The answer is that a great many so-called "hackers" are in fact... Read more...
Ransomware attacks are on the rise, and it may feel like there is no recourse for many victims. A new law has been proposed in the United States by Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congresswoman Deborah Ross to attempt to address that, but with an added dilemma. The new law, the Ransomware Disclosure Act, would require... Read more...
Ransomware incidents are on the rise worldwide with no end in sight, and trying to fight back is like trying to punch a ghost, it seems. However, using empirical data and evidence, we can figure out what does and does not work to smother ransomware. Thanks to a new website called Ransomwhere, anyone can now track this... Read more...
Last week, hundreds if not thousands of My Book Live customers awoke to their devices being wiped and, in some cases, unrecoverable. At that time, it was simply thought that Western Digital had not patched a critical vulnerability from 2018 that allowed attackers to do this, but it seems there is more to the story... Read more...
The Golden Arches are not so shiny today it seems, as the world's biggest fast-food chain, McDonald's, has been hit by an international data breach. The company reported today that hackers have stolen data containing employee and restaurant information from its South Korean, Taiwanese, and United States markets... Read more...
Earlier this year, one of the largest insurance providers in the U.S. was hit by a ransomware attack that managed to cripple its network and exfiltrate data. According to people familiar with the situation, CNA Financial Corp. out of Chicago, Illinois, paid $40 million to wrest control of its network back in... Read more...
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) has been going strong since 2012, regularly hitting the “Top Games By Current Player Count” list on Steam. With this thriving community, it could make for a great opportunity to try and hack players through the game, and it seems that is indeed a potential threat. Researchers... Read more...
The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is an incredibly useful feature used by likely millions of people every day. Considering it is free and preinstalled from Microsoft, it beats out most other Windows-based remote desktop software with ease. This, however, does not give it a free pass from having flaws; however, as a... Read more...
When we hear of ransomware attacks, it usually involves high-value targets, such as the recent $50 million attack against Apple supplier Quanta. This time, a ransomware gang took a different approach and targeted consumers and small businesses using QNAP devices and subsequently encrypted their files. In just five... Read more...
Israeli-based digital intelligence company Cellebrite provides software that enables the extraction of data from devices. While law enforcement loves this, it raises ire from phone manufacturers and individuals alike, with privacy concerns abound. Interestingly, the CEO of Signal got their hands on one of these... Read more...
Black Hat hackers, or simply cybercriminals, can be effective in stealing, leaking, or encrypting data in efforts to extort money from organizations. With the advent of the ProxyLogon vulnerabilities for Microsoft Exchange servers, attackers are now taking advantage of the situation and may ramp up attacks in the... Read more...
When we report on cybersecurity breaches, all too often it involves innocent individuals (or companies) that are on the receiving end of the attack. Such is the case with Chinese hackers that exploited Microsoft Exchange servers. Now, it appears that a hacker vigilante has breached four long-running and venerated... Read more...
There is a hacking campaign to disrupt this year's presidential election in the United States, according to a warning issued by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). Hackers are chaining Windows and virtual private network (VPN) exploits to carry out... Read more...
If any of you out there are running the Firefox browser app for Android, please update immediately. Versions below Firefox version 79 on mobile are vulnerable to exploitation of Android intent URIs. This attack uses SSDP payloads to trigger actions without user interaction. According to exploit researcher Chris... Read more...
It is rather rare to be able to peek behind the scenes for a look at how a state-sponsored threat group operates. However, a recent mistake has provided security researchers with information about the methods of the group referred to as “ITG18.” The security researchers discovered training videos that were... Read more...
According to security officials in the UK, Russian cyber actors have been targeting organizations that are involved in coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine development. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), which is part of GCHQ, published an advisory that detailed the activity of the Russian threat group known as... Read more...
Hackers are always on the look out for the "next big thing" to exploit, either by finding vulnerabilities in an app or by latching onto brand recognition. With the coronavirus pandemic, hackers have aimed at certain software platforms that are being used heavily by workers stuck at home. One of the applications that... Read more...
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