Items tagged with Artemis

A group of scientists using data from a 2010 NASA lunar mission believe they have confirmed the existence of an accessible rock tunnel beneath the lunar surface. The team analyzed a series of images from 2010 with recently developed complex signal processing technologies to come to their conclusion. The surface of... Read more...
As NASA and other space agencies move closer toward humans traveling to, and inhabiting the Moon and Mars, researchers are looking at how astronauts and future space dwellers can be more comfortable during longer stints in space. With that in mind, a group of researchers developed a prototype urine collection and... Read more...
Scientists have come up with a new theory about what is causing mysterious swirls on the Moon’s surface. The latest theory involves underground lava, magnetized rocks, and magnetic anomalies. Lunar swirls have baffled astronomers and scientists since they were first discovered in the 1600s. Scientists believe these... Read more...
As NASA continues to prepare to put humans back on the surface of the Moon—for the first time since 1972—the space agency says its needs a bit more time before moving forward with launching its Artemis II and Artemis III missions. The Artemis campaigns will be the first to land a woman and a person of color on the... Read more...
NASA is celebrating the one-year anniversary of its Orion spacecraft making a spectacular reentry into Earth’s atmosphere. The feat was part of the Artemis 1 mission that completed a 1.4 million-mile journey around the Moon. NASA’s Artemis 1 mission was the first in a series of missions that is aimed at putting... Read more...
NASA caught a frickin’ laser beam from 10 million miles away and the space agency finds it groovy baby. No, the near-infrared laser beam was not from Dr. Evil’s deep space lair, but rather from NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) experiment. During its journey to the main asteroid belt between Mars and... Read more...
NASA is preparing to launch something other than a rocket with its upcoming NASA+ streaming service. The new streaming platform will be ad-free, family-friendly, and come at a cost everyone will love. NASA is well-known for the astonishing imagery and video that it shares from its incredible observatories and... Read more...
Axiom Space has partnered with an Italian luxury fashion house to design NASA's lunar spacesuits for the Artemis III mission, and the devil is in the details. Axiom Space announced yesterday that it has partnered with none other than Prada to design the lunar spacesuits. Artemis III is planned for 2025 and will... Read more...
NASA utilized cameras on two separate lunar orbiters to produce a stunning image of the Moon's darkened South Pole region. The mosaic was created using imagery from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LROC) and NASA's ShadowCam onboard the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO). As NASA prepares to send humans back... Read more...
NASA has decided to fund 11 companies to develop technologies that could help support the long-term exploration of the Moon and beyond. The companies include Blue Origin, tasked with developing in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) based power on the Moon. As NASA prepares for its Artemis II mission that will send... Read more...
NASA has begun qualification testing on what it calls "cutting-edge" solar electric propulsion (SEP) thrusters. The innovative thrusters will be showcased on the Gateway space station that will orbit the Moon and provide support for NASA's Artemis campaign. NASA is preparing for the second Artemis launch, which... Read more...
As NASA begins to send humans farther into space for extended periods of time, the space agency is researching new ways to provide basic needs for its crew members without any resupply missions from Earth. Part of the research being conducted on the International Space Station (ISS) includes recycling consumables such... Read more...
NASA believes there is a very good chance of finding signs of life once it lands back on the Moon, beginning with its Artemis III mission. Current research by the space agency suggests that the most likely candidate for the existence of microbes on the moon to be from humans. As NASA prepares for its upcoming... Read more...
A Japanese company called ispace is attempting to be the first private company to land a spacecraft on the moon today, and you can watch live. It launched its Hakuto-R lander onboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in December of last year. After launching the Hakuto-R lander on December 11, 2022, ispace had the... Read more...
NASA's Artemis III mission will put humans back on the surface of the Moon for the first time in over 50 years, thanks in part to the advanced spacesuits the astronauts will wear as they step back onto the lunar surface. Axiom Space revealed the new spacesuits for the first time earlier this week. The new... Read more...
The race to get humans back to the Moon, and eventually, Mars has led to a precarious situation concerning the new frontier of space real estate. This has some concerned that it could lead to future tensions between Earth's superpowers, and possibly end in war. Some will remember the first race to the Moon between... Read more...
The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program is providing $175,000 in grants to 14 visionaries from nine states. From a pipeline on the Moon to transport oxygen between settlements to a low-cost flying boat mission, there is no limit to the human imagination. "NASA dares to make the impossible possible... Read more...
NASA conducted a test on its newly redesigned RS-25 engine that will be used for future flights of the Space Launch System (SLS). The engine completed 209.5 seconds of a scheduled 500-second hot fire test before being shut down by a non-flight system used to monitor the engine. The Artemis program had a successful... Read more...
NASA made the very difficult decision to delay the launch of Artemis I just two minutes after the two-hour launch window opened at 8:33 a.m. Eastern. While disappointing, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said, "We don't launch until it's right." The long-awaited launch of Artemis I will have to wait a bit longer, as... Read more...
NASA's Artemis I is scheduled to launch in less than a week, and you can watch live. This will be the first leg of a series of missions that will take humans back to the surface of the Moon, and eventually beyond to Mars. The Artemis program has been highly anticipated as it will eventually put humans back on the... Read more...
Data from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and computer modeling show shaded pits on the Moon always hover around 63 F (about 17 C). The pits and caves could provide a stable environment for lunar exploration when the surface could reach extreme temperatures. NASA's Artemis program is slated to put the... Read more...
NASA lost communication with its CAPSTONE CubeSat after successfully launching on June 28, 2022. The microwave oven-sized CubeSat weighing a mere 55 pounds is a pathfinder for Gateway, a Moon-orbiting outpost that is part of the Artemis program. Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and... Read more...
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