NASA Splurges $150M On These Lunar Prototype Projects To Make The Moon Habitable

As NASA prepares for its Artemis II mission that will send human astronauts into orbit around the Moon, it is also thinking ahead in terms of constructing a lunar Moon base and space adventures to Mars and beyond. The space agency recently released a list of 11 companies that range from lunar surface systems to a first-of-its-kind manufacturing technology intended for building infrastructure on the Moon that includes landing pads, roads, and foundations for habitats.

The funded projects will be jointly funded by NASA and its industry partners. In total, the space agency is contributing $150 million, with each company additionally contributing a minimum percentage of at least 10-25% of the total project cost, based on the size of the company.
"Our partnerships with industry could be a cornerstone of humanity's return to the Moon under Artemis," added Dr. Prasun Desai, acting Associate Administrator for Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) at NASA. "By creating new opportunities for streamlined awards, we hope to push crucial technologies over the finish line so they can be used in future missions. These innovative partnerships will help advance capabilities that will enable sustainable explorations on the Moon."

A complete list of the 11 companies receiving funding can be found on NASA's website.