Search Results For: skynet

Facebook, Instagram, and other Meta-owned properties went down earlier today and are still suffering from the aftershocks. Reports initially started to surface suggesting that threat actors were behind this and that it was a DDoS attack, but Meta appears to be claiming otherwise. Whether this was a technical issue or... Read more...
Generative AI ChatGPT has seen exponential growth in the past few months, recently crossing the 100 million weekly active users. However, with all this popularity, a target was perhaps painted on the back of OpenAI and ChatGPT by threat actors looking to make a quick buck or cause mayhem. It seems the latter is what... Read more...
Bethesda Games Studios is not a game company known for making little games. Both the Elder Scrolls series and the Fallout series consist of one massive open world after another, and even going back to the company's ancient history, The Terminator: Future Shock and Skynet games had extremely large maps with tons... Read more...
Dire warnings from leaders in the area of AI technology continue to be voiced around the world. The latest comes from Jaan Tallinn, who founded two organizations, the Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk and the Future of Life Institute, to study and mitigate the risks of advancing AI technologies too... Read more...
Imagine being able to walk up and unlock your front door or start your car with a simple wave of your hand like Obi-Wan Kenobi mind-tricking his way through Stormtroopers. One such person took that idea seriously and implanted (and programmed) 25 under-skin chips. Miana Windall, a software engineer, walks around... Read more...
There's been a lot of discussion over whether the field of artificial intelligence should be regulated, and even calls by some prominent tech leaders to temporarily pause giant AI experiments so we, as flesh and blood humans, don't shoot ourselves in the foot. And if some of the biggest names in tech are concerned... Read more...
A major milestone in airflight comes in the form a highly-modified F-16 being successfully controlled by an AI bot for 17 hours over 12 flights back in December 2022. Last week, the Department of Defense revealed details of a set of experimental flights by the experimental flight platform over the Air Force Test... Read more...
The large language model (LLM) ChatGPT it making news everywhere lately. It has caused some concern for apparently being "too smart," and its addition in the latest Bing beta ha geenrated some interesting results, to say the least.ChatGPT can be a handy tool, but it currently has some significant limits, such as... Read more...
Microsoft has limited interactions with its AI Chatbot after it generated some disturbing responses to user questions. The software giant is now restricting users to five questions per topic, and fifty questions in total per day. Microsoft recently launched its Bing AI chatbot for the Edge browser to a limited... Read more...
In a battle of artificially intelligent wits, researchers at an e-learning company pitted ChatGPT against Google Search to figure out which one is smarter and, more importantly, which can provide better answers to a broad range of questions that users might be inclined to look up on the web. The result? One is clearly... Read more...
The scales of justice are not yet ready to be weighed and measured by robot lawyers powered by artificial intelligence. Or at least human lawyers are not ready to welcome AI into the fold. Under the threat of jail time, Joshua Browder, founder and CEO of DoNotPay, has decided not to let the "world's first robot... Read more...
The running joke whenever there's a story involving artificial intelligence is that Skynet is watching and, at times, is pleased. Or in this case, seriously displeased. The reason? United States congressman Ted W. Lieu wrote an op-ed calling for the creation of a dedicated federal agency staffed with experts to... Read more...
AMD's RDNA 3 GPU architecture found in the Radeon RX 7900 family of graphics cards was a tremendous leap in performance over the previous generation found in the Radeon RX 6000 series. Therefore, it only stands to reason that the next generation of AMD's high-performance and adaptive computing accelerators would... Read more...
We've playfully referenced Skynet probably a million times over the years (or thereabout), and it's always been in jest pertaining to some kind of deep learning development or achievement. We're hoping that turns out to be the case again, that conjuring up Skynet turns out to be a lighthearted joke to a... Read more...
A mechanical jumper just set a new record for any known jumper, engineered or biological. The jumping robot is able to leap an astounding 100 feet (30 meters) into the air. The Eliot Hawkes Lab's jumping robot is referred to as a fresh approach to the design of jumping devices. It was developed by UC Santa Barbara... Read more...
If you are a fan of the addictive Wordle game, then you might also love Adverswordle. Adverswordle is a fun alternative to the Wordle, where you try and stump an AI opponent instead of the other way around. Sounds easy, right? Well, there's more to it than that. Wordle made headlines at the end of last year, and... Read more...
There are a myriad of ways artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can and do improve the quality of life. One of the most important areas is healthcare, where AI has been employed to help detect medical conditions and treat them, in part by developing life saving drugs. But while drug discovery is an... Read more...
When IBM's Watson defeated two of the greatest Jeopardy players of all time with a $1 million pot up for grabs, we applauded. And when AI started beating up flesh and blood players at games like Quake III Arena and Gran Turismo, we stood by and watched in amazement. But have we been witnessing marvels of technological... Read more...
Tesla isn't content with just building electric cars like the Model 3 (and upcoming Cybertruck), solar panels, and massive Powerwall battery storage units. Last night at the company's AI Day, CEO Elon Musk unveiled plans to develop a prototype Tesla Bot. The Tesla Bot could be lumped into the same category as the... Read more...
While robots are cool, the jury is still out on whether they will want to kill us pesky humans if the robot uprising occurs. This is not helped by the fact that we are making more robust robots that can walk and move as well as if not better than humans. Enter Cassie: a bipedal legs-only robot devised at Oregon State... Read more...
Scientists and researchers are forever on the pursuit of increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence technologies, especially today, with AI playing such a big role in so many different products and services. One of the more interesting developments in AI has to do with nanowire networks being trained to solve... Read more...
I hope to be alive in 15 years, and barring a catastrophe or some kind of ailment, there is a good chance I will be. However, I just hope wherever I'm living in a decade in a half is not overrun by dinosaurs who see me as a tasty snack. Crazy, right? Not to Max Hodak, co-founder of Elon Musk's Neuralink, who believes... Read more...
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