NVIDIA Star Wars TITAN Xp Collector's Edition Review: The GeForce Is Strong With This One
The latest Hitman title once again follows Agent 47, a genetically-enhanced, cold-blooded assassin, who finds himself at the center of new missions scatted about Central Europe. However, not before some drama unfolds at an ICA training facility some 20 years before the events of 2012's Hitman: Absolution. We tested the game using its DirectX 12 code path (a port to DX12), at multiple resolutions, with all in-game options set to their maximum / Ultra values, with SMAA and 16x anisotropic filtering enabled...
Rise of the Tomb Raider is a sequel to the 2013 reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise, which takes protagonist Lara Croft back to her explorative “tomb raiding” roots in a deep origin story. The game, however, was updated and enhanced with new gameplay and combat mechanics. The game engine was updated as well, and offers DirectX 12 support, along with some stunning visuals. The benchmark outputs results from a number of maps; we’re reporting numbers from the “Geothermal Valley” here, along with the average score of all the maps. The game’s “Very High” graphics preset was used, and all graphics-related options were enabled.
Rise Of The Tomb Raider
The overall results in Rise Of The Tomb Raider look just as good. The Titan Xp is a beast. It's in games like this you realize the power of the Dark Side.