NVIDIA SHIELD Tablet: The Fastest Tablet Available

CPU, System, User Experience Benchmarks

AnTuTu’s latest benchmark returns a large number of scores—too many to graph neatly, so we’re including a look at all of the numbers in a table.  The various tests in this benchmark measure subsystem performance in various areas like Database IO, Storage IO, CPU (Int. and Float), GPU (3D), and RAM (speed).

AnTuTu and Mobile XPRTBenchmarks
General System, CPU and User Experiential Performance


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The NVIDIA SHIELD Tablet  put up the best scored we've seen in this benchmark to date. It didn't quite sweep the competition across the board, bit the UX tests and overall score, the SHIELD Tablet was the clear leader.

Next up we have some tests with MobileXPRT. Mobile XPRT is an Android benchmark that measures performance in five scenarios -- applying photo effects, creating photo collages, slideshows, encrypting data, and facial detection. In the table below, the top line is the total score, while the individual tests are listed in time-to-complete. Higher scores are better in the Overall Score, while lower scores represent faster times to complete the tests in the detail below it. In the User Experience section (the bottom half of the table), however, things are reversed. Higher scores indicate better performance.

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Once again, the NVIDIA SHIELD Tablet posted the highest scores we have seen in this benchmark yet. And these results seem to play out in the real-world as well. The SHIELD Tablet offers a fast, smooth, and fluid user experience.

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