Maingear Ephex 3-Way SLI Performance Gaming System

Cinebench R10 and Kribibench

Cinebench R10 is an OpenGL 3D rendering performance test based on Cinema 4D. Cinema 4D from Maxon is a 3D rendering and animation tool suite used by 3D animation houses and producers like Sony Animation and many others.
  It's very demanding of system processor resources and is an excellent gauge of pure computational throughput.

 Cinebench R10 Performance Tests
 3D Modeling & Rendering Tests

This is a multi-threaded, multi-processor aware benchmark that renders a single 3D scene and tracks the length of the entire process. The time it took each test system to render the entire scene is represented in the graph below, listed in seconds.


The beat goes on, chalk up another decisive victory for the Maingear Ephex and its 3.8GHz factory overclocked CPU.  The Maingear system nearly doubles the performance of our Phenom 9700 test systems.

 CPU/Software 3D Rendering Performance

For this next batch of tests, we ran Kribibench v1.1, a 3D rendering benchmark produced by the folks at Adept Development.  Kribibench is an SSE aware software renderer where a 3D model is rendered and animated by the host CPU and the average frame rate is reported.

We used two of the included models with this benchmark: a "Sponge Explode" model consisting of over 19.2 million polygons and the test suite's "Ultra" model that is comprised of over 16 billion polys.

Our Ultra model test shows a 15% gain with the Ephex numbers versus the QX9650 reference system but only a modest 4.5% gain in the Sponge Exploded model run; perhaps a nod toward memory bandwidth and system bus speed advantage for the QX9650 setup.

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