Intel Developer Forum Day 1 Coverage, The Continuum

Intel's Hand-Held Play, Moblin and Intel Apps

Finally, Otellini and his side-kicks took us through a view of Intel's efforts with the developer community, especially as it pertains to the handset market. If Intel's Atom-based Medfield platform is to be targeted for the handset market some time in the near future, they had better get cooking now on working with the software side of the solution.  In this effort, Intel is backing both Windows Mobile and of course Moblin, which is a lightweight Linux derivative for netbooks, nettops, MIDs and of course, as demonstrated today, handsets.

Intel's Moblin platform incarnate and a demonstration device built by Elektrobit

An Intel App Store?  Right:  Intel's Claire Alexander demos Moblin 2.1 on a reference handset

Finally, in a close that stole this morning's key note show, at least from our perspective, Intel unveiled that they're currently in development of an app store in support of their fledgling handset platform as well as for netbooks.  Branded as a store named "Kyol" but sponsored by Intel, Intel rolled out their plans to foster cross platform development of applications for Intel-based devices that support both Windows Mobile and Moblin.  Finally, Intel's Claire Alexander took us through a demo of Moblin 2.1 on an Intel/Moblin reference handset.  We have recorded some video footage of it in action...

That about wraps up our coverage of the first keynote from IDF 2009.  Stay tuned for future updates with more breaking coverage of the event.

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