Asus P5AD2-E i925XE Motherboard
Doom 3 - OpenGL Gaming
The following Doom 3 time demos were run with our custom "HH_Frag2" demo, which is a recording of a five-player online match that took place in the "Frag Chamber" map area. We ran benchmarks with Doom 3 set to its "Low Quality" mode again, to isolate CPU performance.
In Doom 3 it looks like system memory latency and bandwidth are affecting the scores more than anything else, with the modestly timed Intel i925XE board falling far behind by almost 20 fps from the next slowest score. In addition, Carmack did his best to optimize performance on the P4 obviously as well and here the Asus P4AD2-E with either a P4 3.6GHz or P4 Extreme Edition 3.46Ghz in its socket, gives the Athlon 64 4000+ a serious run for it's money.