Items tagged with PlayStation 3

The hardware specifications for the components in the XBox 360 or Playstation 3 may not have changed since launch day, but semiconductor manufacturing has advanced significantly. Supposedly leaked photos of a new XBox 360 motherboard indicate that Microsoft could be poised to take advantage of that fact. If the image is real (and it might... Read more...
It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Back when all three consoles were just spec sheets and demo units it was Microsoft vs. Sony and Blu-ray vs. HD DVD. Even the pundits who thought the Wii's motion control interface could win it market share weren't predicting that the modest device would prove as popular as the XBox and PS3 combined. Both... Read more...
Forget about unlocking achievements and collecting in-game items, you can score some serious real-world cash just for playing Major League Baseball 2K10. And not just a little bit of loot, but $1 million! That's the largest ever for this kind of contest.So what's the catch? Just be the first to pitch a perfect game (no hits, no walks, and... Read more...
Netflix is taking the world by storm. Blockbuster stores are shaking at the thought of being dominated by by-mail DVD outlets, and with "Watch Instantly" bringing Netflix titles to users on-demand over broadband, one really does have to wonder if there's any limit to just how popular this company will become.For the longest while, Netflix... Read more...
GameFly's new GameCenter app for the iPhone and iPod Touch lets you look up information regarding 5,000 video games for all major platforms directly on your handset. With this free app, you can get up-to-the minute news, videos, screenshots, release dates, user reviews, gameplay controls, cheats, codes, and more. To... Read more...
Sony's PlayStation 3 "Slim" has only been on sale for a few months now, and while Sony has stated that sales are way, way up, we still didn't expect a 'round 2' to be available this soon. For those not content with the single "Slim" offering on the shelf (a 120GB model for $299), Sony will soon deliver a higher capacity model to US consumers... Read more...
There's little doubt that Nintendo changed the gaming world forever with its Wii remote (or Wiimote, if you please). Before the Wii, gamers were stuck using control pads, joysticks, keyboards and mice to interact with digital realms, but Nintendo made it possible for actual human movements to control gameplay. Now, Sony is under pressure to... Read more...
One million. That's a pretty large number. In fact, that's a really hefty sum. And it's even larger when you hit that figure from 0 in three weeks. That's exactly what Sony has accomplished, as its newest PlayStation 3, hailed by many as the "PS3 slim," has sold one million units since debuting three weeks ago in... Read more...
It's unavoidable: 3D is the next big thing in television, whether you believe it or not. With 1080p panels losing their luster in terms of novelty, there's hardly any other feature that TV makers can add to entice you to upgrade. Besides, our current cable and fiber systems can't even deliver content en masse at a resolution above 1080p, so... Read more...
Sony hasn't sold a PS3 that offered a hardware-level backwards compatibility mode in several years, but with the announcement of the PS3 Slim, fans of the feature were hopeful it might reappear in the new, slimmed-down version. Ars Technica recently had the chance to sit down and talk with Sony's director of hardware... Read more...
Sony's newer, slimmer, sexier PlayStation 3 console is a nice piece of hardware. There's no doubt that the 120GB hard drive, lower power drain, sleeker look and $299 price tag will draw more than a few folks in, but those holding tight to yesteryear now have reason to pause. Unlike some of the first PS3 machines to hit the market, the new... Read more...
At long last, the new PlayStation 3 is a reality. At a press event today in Germany, Sony announced that it would be shipping a slimmer, sexier PS3 console at the beginning of next month, and while it wouldn't gain any functionality from the 80GB PS3 that we've come to know and love, it wouldn't lose anything either... Read more...
You know, we think this is a great idea, but we can't figure out why Sony hasn't done this from the get-go. If you'll recall, Sony sold legions of PlayStation 2 consoles by it having a DVD player built in. The pitch went something like "Buy a PS2, get a DVD player!" At the time, it worked wonderfully. For whatever reason, Sony didn't really... Read more...
It's a tough time for Blu-ray to be really hitting its stride. Many consumers are still wary due to the battle with HD-DVD, and frankly, many are still content with DVD. In too many cases, upscaled DVD looks "good enough" for consumers, and only those with oodles of disposable income are willing to fork out for Blu-ray. Blu-ray player prices... Read more...
For the longest time, we've felt that Sony's baseline $399 price tag on its PlayStation 3 console was simply too high. Nintendo's Wii is just $299, and Microsoft's Xbox 360 can be had easily for $199. Aside from Blu-ray playback, what does the console really offer to persuade gamers to purchase it over the other, cheaper options?Obviously,... Read more...
Say what you will, but Wolfenstein 3D is back in full force, in a way that Duke Nukem only wishes he could be. Just months after the heralded first-person shooter made its way onto Apple's App Store, the classic title is now destined to waste even more time when it comes to Xbox LIVE Arcade and the PlayStation Network.Activision Publishing... Read more...
A few years ago, turntables were reserved for hardcore DJs and beat-mixers. Today, they're everywhere. In cellphones, in homes and now, in video games. And we're not talking about no-name third-party manufacturers, we're talking about big names in the industry. For example, Numark and Genius just announced Scratch: The Ultimate DJ Videogame... Read more...
Can you handle another Wii-related peripheral in your house? With so many plastic guitars, drumsets, Wiimote cases, Wii Zapper holsters, fishing accessories, etc., we're beginning to wonder if there's any end to the madness in sight. Of course, the peripheral industry is a thriving one, and Nintendo's choice to add motion sensitivity to its... Read more...
Logitech has certainly dabbled in the gaming realm before, but this is arguably its most impressive venture yet. For years now, home cinema enthusiasts have wondered why Sony added in Bluetooth remote control capabilities over the far more widely accepted RF radio. At long last, a company with a trusted record in the remote industry is stepping... Read more...
Turtle Beach has announced that PlayStation 3 enthusiasts can finally enjoy the same personal gaming experience as XBOX 360 gamers with the newest addition to its growing line of gaming headphones—the Ear Force PX1.  By combining the Ear Force X1 headphones for amplified stereo game audio and the Audio Advantage® Amigo USB sound... Read more...
The Cell microprocesssor is the very powerful heart of the Playstation 3 gaming console. People have found all sorts of uses for them other than playing Assassin's Creed, including using them for medical research through the Folding at Home program. Now the US military has spent $133 million to put together the world's fastest supercomputer,... Read more...
HotHardware could tell you all about the Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany. We could bring you the news from there that Sony announced a device that would let users record and store live television on their Playstation 3 game console. We could mention that programming saved in this fashion could then be transferred to a Playstation Portable... Read more...
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