Sony's New, Slimmer PS3 Sells 1 Million Units In Three Weeks, But Can Momentum Continue?
Obviously, the crucial aspect of seeing sales soar was pricing the unit at just under $300. Considering that most decent Profile 2.0 Blu-ray players are still above $200, it's a no-brainer to just get a game console with the deal for just a bit more. There's even a 120GB hard drive thrown in to save content locally, which is a real boon for multimedia lovers. We really wish Sony would've made a cut this drastic earlier on; as it stands, both Microsoft and Sony have lowered the prices of their own consoles, making the PS3 once again the most expensive of the three.

Still, the PS3 offers a lot of advanced features that the other two lack, but we're curious if Sony can maintain the momentum. Will it hit the two million mark before Christmas? Or will those $199.99 Wiis be too tempting to soccer moms on the prowl for goodies and gifts?