Items tagged with NYSE:AMD
Award yourself 500 geek points (can be traded in for geek cred) if you remember Matrox, one of several big players in the 1990s that also included NVIDIA, AMD, ATI (since absorbed by AMD), and 3DFX (since absorbed by NVIDIA). You don't see Matrox in the headlines too often these days, though the company is still...
To have a little fun in the lead up to Halloween, and give a little something back to the community, HotHardware, AMD and Gigabyte teamed up to put together one heck of a spook-tacular giveaway! This time around, two of you incredibly intelligent, and dare we say, immensely awesome HotHardware fans had a chance to win an eight-core AMD FX-9590
Just in time for Halloween, HotHardware, AMD and Gigabyte have teamed up to put together one heck of a spook-tacular giveaway! This time around we're giving two of you incredibly intelligent, and dare we say, immensely awesome HotHardware fans a chance to win an eight-core AMD FX-9590 Liqid-Cooled Edition processor...
Congratulations to those of you who've spent the weekend playing Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth -- it sure beats raking leaves or any other chores that are typically reserved for the end of the work week. Want to make your gaming experience even better? If you own an AMD graphics card with the Graphics Core...
While there’s no guarantee for traction in the market, lowering the price to a point where consumers can’t help but notice is surely a step in the right direction. AMD’s doing just that with its A-series APUs this week, which is hopes will enable more mainstream PC builders to snag a twelve compute...
Surprise! AMD has a new chief and her name is Dr. Lisa Su. She replaces Rory Read, 52, who has stepped down as president and CEO as part of a transition plan that will have him support the new boss in an advisory role. Read will remain with AMD through the end of the year, at which point Dr. Su will be flying solo...
Intel and Microsoft have been working with laptop makers to release low-cost models capable of competing in price with Google's Chromebook movement, hence why we're starting to see Windows-based laptops selling for as little as $199. In order to get down to that range, however, certain sacrifices must be made, such as...
If you thought it was a good time to be a gamer, well guess what? It just got even better. AMD used its 30 Years of Graphics and Gaming celebration to announce a new Radeon R9 200 Series graphics card, the Radeon R9 285. Spec-wise, the card is similar to AMD's Radeon R9 280, but with a newer GPU and a few enhancements that make it a more robust...
It looks like AMD has a reason to smile while NVIDIA doesn't. Industry research and consulting firm Jon Peddie Research has released a report which states that AMD’s GPU shipments rose around 11 percent in Q2 2014 on a quarter-to-quarter basis while NVIDIA’s GPU shipments saw a slump of about 8.3 percent...
We're getting awfully close to the point where, if you wanted to, you could build an entire PC using only AMD branded parts. One area that's missing is storage, though not for long --AMD is said to be expanding its product portfolio with a line of high performance solid state drives boasting the company's Radeon...
Tablets might not kill off the PC after all. Growth in the PC market is expected to remain sluggish (IDC even lowered its forecast by 0.1% for 2014 to 6% worldwide), but if the channel is any indication, builders and component manufacturers are feeling confident. A report by DigiTimes today suggests that suppliers in...
According to AMD, there are 3 billion personal computers worldwide and some 30 million servers, and they consume approximately 1% and 1.5% of all energy consumed annually. The cost for all that juice is between $14-$18 billion, and the company believes it can do better--25 times better, actually. AMD is planning to increase the efficiency...
Turn out the lights, the party's over. Graphics card vendors enjoyed a boost in sales thanks in large part to the Bitcoin mining craze (along with other forms of virtual currency, like Litecoin) that everyone seemed to get caught up in, but the thing about these cryptocurriences is that they're exceedingly difficult...
Nothing really pauses for long in the technology industry, and when it comes to microprocessors, that pace of change is typically even more rapid. AMD's keeping things fresh by announcing a few key managerial changes this week, all wrapped up under its "multi-year strategic transformation." In essence, the company is...
The EU does not fool around when it comes to handing out fines, and it also apparently does not second-guess itself. The European Commission levied a hefty fine of 1.06 billion euro (or roughly $1.44 billion USD) at Intel for anti-competitive practices back in 2009, and after years of legal supplication, the decision...
Ubisoft’s “Watch Dogs” has been a hotly anticipated title--a franchise, even--and both AMD and NVIDIA are releasing graphics drivers for the game’s release. This game is a demanding one, to be sure. NVIDIA says that minimum requirements include an Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 (2.66 GHz) or AMD...
Over the past nine months, we've seen the beginnings of a revolution in how video games are displayed. First, Nvidia demoed G-Sync, its proprietary technology for ensuring smooth frame delivery. Then AMD demoed its own free standard, dubbed FreeSync, that showed a similar technology. Now, VESA (Video Electronics...
Ever since AMD announced it would build an ARM processor, there've been questions about how the company would balance its x86 and ARM obligations and product lines. Today, the company gave a major update to how it sees the future of these products. This year, AMD will debut its first Cortex-A57 based server (codenamed...
If you've been wanting to upgrade your setup to run the fastest consumer level graphics card on the planet, today's the day you've been waiting for. AMD's insanely powerful Radeon R9 295X2 card is now starting to pop up online for purchase. The card isn't for everyone -- many gamers will find it cost prohibitive --...
You have to love these financials reports; they treat every bit of data with roughly equal weight, even though there are parts that are uninteresting and parts that make you do a double-take. Case in point, buried halfway down the page on AMD’s press release about its Q1 results is the tidbit that its Graphics...
Zotac has a new lineup of mini PCs that alternately rock Intel Core CPUs and AMD A8 APUs, and some of them are aimed at mainstream gamers. The Zotac Zbox E-Series offer Intel Iris Pro 5200 graphics with 128GB of EDRAM and Intel Pixel Sync technology and have quad-core Intel Core i7-4770R (3.2GHz) or Intel Core...
AMD is determined to offer gamers a modern generation graphics card at nearly every price point, and having completed its Radeon R7 stack, the Sunnyvale chip designer just launched the Radeon R9 280, a mid-range part that slips in neatly below the R9 280X. It's built for gaming at resolutions exceeding Full HD 1080p...