Intel Loses Legal Battle Against $1.4 Billion EU Fine For Anti-Competitive Practices
Intel was found to have unacceptably fought rival AMD in the processor market by giving rebates to PC makers in exchange for those companies using primarily CPUs made by Intel--and concealing it.

European Commission building
"The General Court considers that none of the arguments raised by Intel supports the conclusion that the fine imposed is disproportionate,” said judges on the case. “On the contrary, it must be considered that that fine is appropriate in the light of the facts of the case.”
"We are very disappointed about the decision. It's a complex case which is reflected in the decision. We will begin evaluating the decision," Intel spokeswoman Sophie Jacobs told Reuters. The company is allowed to appeal once again, to the Court of Justice of the European Union, but only as it pertains to actual legality and not the amount of the fine.