Items tagged with micro center
Several early listings for custom GeForce RTX 5070 Ti models from NVIDIA's OEM partners have popped up at Micro Center and, spoiler alert, almost every single one (so far) is priced higher than the baseline $749 MSRP. The lone exception is a factory overclocked PNY GeForc RTX 5070 Ti that's listed at $750 (so...
NVIDIA's hardware partners have a little bit of pricing wiggle room between the GeForce RTX 4080 (the real one) and GeForce RTX 4090, with $400 separating their $1,199 and $1,599 MSRPs, respectively. As is typically the case, you can expect some factory-overclocked and custom-cooled GeForce RTX 4080 cards to come with...
If taking a sensible approach to plotting your next upgrade, it's too early to decide whether or not to make the leap to Alder Lake. There are questions that remain to be answered. Primarily, they include queries about price, performance, and the release date. Well, it looks like a major US retailer has answered two...
When it comes to graphics cards, we typically think of NVIDIA and AMD as being roughly equals. Both companies offer competitive performance these days across their respective product lines and provide robust driver software packages supporting their hardware. Each has had its fair share of software [and hardware] bugs...
We're beginning to sound like a broken record here, but it looks as though yet another PC hardware launch is going to be marred by poor availability. We've seen it with the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 Series and AMD Ryzen 5000 Series, and now the same thing is about to happen with the Radeon RX 6800 Series, which launches...
Gamers and enthusiasts who have been waiting for deals before upgrading an existing PC or building a new machine, this may be the time. There are some big discounts on AMD Ryzen 3000 Zen 2 processors going at Micro Center right now, and some of the CPUs are up to $100 off. There are deals on all manner of Ryzen parts...
We've tracking pricing of AMD's previous generation enthusiast flagship CPU for quite a while. The Ryzen 7 2700X has an MSRP of $319.99 when it launched over a year, but street prices fell to $199.99 prior to the launch of the Ryzen 3000 family this Summer.
Early last month, the Ryzen 2700X hit a low $159.99, and...
AMD's Ryzen 3000 family of Zen 2 processors is burning up the sales charts due to their value pricing and multi-threaded benchmark prowess. But now that the Ryzen 3000 processors have had a few months to "spread their wings" so to speak, some rather deep discounts can be found on the previous generation Ryzen 2000...
Popular retailer Micro Center is laying claim to the world's first brick-and-mortar branded SandForce solid state drive (SSD), which is actually the company's second generation SSD. But unlike Micro Center's first batch, these latest drives come built around the venerable SandForce SF-1200 controller. And as far as SSDs go, pricing isn't all...
Alright, it's more of a kiosk and less of a storefront, but Alienware is invading a Micro Center located in Paterson, New Jersey. In honor of the event, the Dell-owned company is hosting a LAN party, giving away a fair amount of free swag, and showcasing their various systems on Saturday, July 25. There's no word on whether or not its a BYOB...