Items tagged with iPad Mini

Apple and its manufacturing and component supply chain partners may finally have a handle on the newest iPad mini with a Retina-class display. It's that so-called "Retina" display that's been holding back production of the iPad mini, leading to a shortage of devices. However, it's now being reported that all... Read more...
Apple may have chosen to quietly launch its second generation iPad mini tablet with an upgraded "Retina" class display, but that didn't stop the folks at iFixIt from snagging a sample for their operating tablet. They made quick work of tearing into the newest iPad mini, which sports a panel that still measures 7.9 inches like before, but with... Read more...
Apple's second generation iPad mini tablet (now with a "Retina" class display) is finally available to order, though you know how the drill goes. As with most Apple product launches to retail, you either act fast or get in line and wait for inventory to catch up with demand. Things on Apple's end have gotten better... Read more...
It was widely expected that Apple would refresh its iPad tablet family today, and the Cupertino company didn't disappoint. What you might be surprised to find out, however, is that Apple didn't unveil an iPad 5. Not technically, anyway. Because the new 9.7-inch tablet is so much thinner, lighter, and faster than... Read more...
Barring some kind of major surprise, Apple will unveil its next generation of iPad and iPad mini devices a week from today on October 22, 2013. That's the date that appears on invitations Apple has begun sending out to members of the press with a heads up that the media event will take place at Yerba Buena Center for... Read more...
History doesn't always repeat itself, particularly when you're trying to juggle supply chains across the globe year in and year out, but it seems that 2013 will mirror 2012 in terms of Apple event launches in the fall. Last year, we saw the new iPhone and iPad launched within weeks of one another. This year, it appears that the iPhone 5c and... Read more...
The drama surrounding Apple's second generation iPad mini tablet and whether or not it will sport a Retina-class display continues as rumors of a supply shortage come to light. Plan and simple, people working in Apple's supply chain are saying that it's not feasible to introduce an iPad mini with a high resolution... Read more...
It's widely expected that Apple plans to follow up the launch of its iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C handets with new iPad and iPad mini tablets, though it's still a bit of a mystery as to when those products will be announced. Based on leaked info and rumor mill chatter, most analysts believe Apple is on pace to announce a... Read more...
There were rumors Apple would release a larger size iPhone during yesterday's press event, and it would make sense for Apple to offer a bigger model to compete with all the Android devices wielding screens between 4.5 inches and 5 inches, give or take a fraction of an inch. Well, Apple stuck with the 4-inch form... Read more...
If you like living on the bleeding edge of technology, now is a terrible time to pick up an iPhone or iPad device. Apple has begun inviting members of the press to its headquarters on September 10, presumably to announce the next iPhone, and you have to think a tablet refresh can't be far behind. So, if you snatch up... Read more...
You've probably heard the adage, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer," and certainly Apple's done that with Samsung, though only because the Cupertino company may have no other choice. It's no secret there's plenty of bad blood between Apple and Samsung, the two mobile giants vying for dominance in the... Read more...
Bad news if you were hoping to score a second generation iPad mini with an upgraded display sometime this holiday shopping season. While nothing is set in stone. word on the web is that a new iPad mini model won't even go into production until the fourth quarter of 2013, meaning its release would likely slip into... Read more...
Microsoft's hardware partners weren't exactly thrilled with the company's decision to launch Surface RT and Pro tablets, especially Acer, which warned Microsoft time and again that isn't easy competing in the hardware space. Nevertheless, Microsoft forged ahead, and though its Surface slates aren't making much of a... Read more...
One of the most oft-recommended Android tablets is Google's Nexus 7 built by Asus. The 7-inch slate is still relatively well equipped with an NVIDIA Tegra 3 processor, 1GB of RAM, 16GB or 32GB of internal storage, and best of all, stock Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, the latter of which is reason alone to put the Nexus 7 on... Read more...
You can always tell when Apple is getting ready to refresh a product line. For one, there are all the rumors, speculation, and leaked information that precede events like Apple's upcoming World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC), which will take place this year on June 10. But even more telling is when the Cupertino... Read more...
There's been so much hype, speculation, and rumors in regards to the next iPad mini release featuring a Retina-class display that if Apple doesn't include one, there's probably going to be a pretty big backlash, especially in the media. Fortunately for Apple, it's an easy situation to avoid, and according to NPD... Read more...
If you don't count refurbished models and the occasional sale price, the iPad mini is the least expensive iPad around, as Apple likes to point out. That's made the 7.85-inch tablet a popular option among users who crave the look and feel of an Apple device without paying the full premium that comes with owning an... Read more...
Don't look now, but in the near future, it's possible we'll see a smaller size Windows 8 tablet designed to compete with Apple's iPad mini and all those 7-inch slates, like the Nexus 7 (Google) and Kindle Fire HD (Amazon). Maybe Microsoft will take the reins and build a smaller Surface. As Kevin Garnett famously said... Read more...
It doesn't take a trip to the local psychic to figure out Apple's planning to release another iPad mini device, but what nobody outside of Cupertino knows is exactly when. Even Apple may not have a specific date in mind, which makes speculating an even tougher proposition. Nevertheless, DisplaySearch thinks it has at least a rough estimate... Read more...
Apple is quick to point out that the iPad mini is the least expensive iPad it's ever carried, and while that's true, it's still comparatively expensive when going up against competing slates that are similar in size. The iPad mini starts at $329, versus $200 for a Nexus 7 or Kindle Fire HD. Even the Kindle Fire HD 8.9" costs $60 less than... Read more...
When it comes to Apple’s advertising, the bar is high and always climbing. Whether you think the new ‘Alive’ and ‘Together’ hit the mark is a matter of taste, but if the more than 150,000 YouTube views is any indication, the ads are certainly getting some attention. The spots show some... Read more...
Investment research firm Piper Jaffray suspects Apple is gearing up to host a press event by the end of April, one in which in the Cupertino outfit will introduce a line of redesigned iPad tablets. Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster pointed out to clients that over the past two years, the Spring event has been all about the iPad, and since... Read more...
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