3dfx Technology Summit

3dfx Technology Summit - Page 1

Setting Standards In 3D Graphics

THE Technology Summit Report! - July 30, 1999


Soft Shadows and Reflections

Let's face it, the shadows that are drawn in today's games via today's hardware, are a little lame. Nowhere in nature does any object cast a shadow that is perfectly symmetrical, sharp or even squared off and boxy. Today's PC 3D Graphics Cards draw a very unnatural shadow and similarly unnatural reflections. Reflections and shadows bend slightly and warp depending on where the source lighting is coming from, in the event of a shadow or what the angle of the object versus what is casting a reflection of it, in the event of a reflection. This effect is currently achievable with today's technology. However, shadows and reflections also have much softer lines to them and diffuse significantly as they are drawn further and further away from the object. Take a look here to see what 3dfx means by Soft Shadows and Soft Reflections.

click images

* Image Copyright The Association For Computing Machinery


A note on APIs and support of new features

As we mentioned earlier, Full Scene Spatial Anti-Aliasing will be available via any of the three current standard APIs, Glide, D3D and OpenGL. The new Cinematic Features however, will be initially supported in Glide. D3D and OpenGL will be worked on extensively and 3dfx is will be heavily involved in an effort to make these effects an integral part of the other suites. Just as in the days of Voodoo1, first 3dfx's Hardware and Glide Software will breath new life into 3D PC Graphics and then a standard will be set for others to follow!

 Wrap it up and roll the credits!

Well, needless to say, 3dfx is poised to bring a another break-through technology to the market with their next generation chipset. Both Bob and I were truly amazed at how this company continues to lead in a market while most others follow. Now you too know what the future holds for 3D Gaming and 3D Graphics Technology. It is a very bright future thanks in part to some very bright minds at 3dfx.

Once again, we would like to thank the good people of 3dfx for inviting us to learn about their exciting new products.
This next generation technology is slated to be released in the Fall of 1999! WE CAN HARDLY WAIT!

-Dave & -Bob

 And now we bring you... "Bloopers"!

click 'em


Uh, little fog on take-off Bob??? Oh SURE don't worry, the Pilot could still see! Oh and what a wreckin' crew this is... Mazi B. from V3.net on the left end, Jeremy from AGN3D in the middle, and Bobbie-Boy Gagnon from the Ol' H.H. - #2 in from the right!

Bob took this shot just to prove they let him in the conference room. Then Scott Sellers is sleepwalking again! The last one in this row is Scott getting ready to bounce an obnoxious heckler!

Brian Burke does the "I dream of Genie" dance and then gets caught holding up the table! Time to get some rest Bri! No more Mono relapses pal! :-)

Tags:  Tech, 3D, Technology, Summit, 3dfx, mit, fx

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