Soltek's QBic EQ3901-300P SFF PC

We continued our testing with another application from Futuremark, 3DMark03, and with a video encoding benchmark, Windows Media Encoder 9.  In the WME9 test, we took a 416MB Digital Video file and encoded to WMV9 format.  Times were recorded in minutes:seconds, with lower times indicating better performance.

Windows Media Encoder 9
Digital Video Encoding

The EQ3901 performed well in our custom Windows Media Encoder test, tieing for second place.  The nForce 3 powered K8N Neo2 took the top spot here, followed closely behind by the QBic EQ3901 and K8T which took about 2 seconds longer to complete the encoding process.

3DMark03: CPU Test
DirectX Gaming Performance - Sort Of

It's not an actual game, but 3DMark03's built-in CPU test is a "gaming related" DirectX metric that's useful for comparing relative performance among similarly equipped systems.  This test consists of two different 3D scenes that are generated with a software renderer, which is dependant on the host CPU's performance.  This means that the calculations normally reserved for your 3D accelerator are instead sent to the central processor.  The number of frames generated per second in each test are used to determine the final score.

The Soltek QBic EQ3901-300P trailed behind the rest of the pack in 3DMark03's CPU performance benchmark. With a score of 847 though, the EQ3901 finished only 12 points behind the leading WinFast board.  12 points equates to only a 1.4% difference in performance here, which again falls within the margin of error for the test.

Tags:  SFF, LTE, PC, SFF PC, Q3, K

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