MSI KT4 Ultra Motherboard Review

The MSI KT4 Ultra Motherboard Review - Page 5


The MSI KT4 Ultra-FISR Motherboard Review
VIA's KT400 Chipset Matched With MSI's Best

By, Jeff Bouton
October 27, 2002


Benchmarks and Comparisons

Direct X with MadOnion's 3DMark2001SE:

The next test we ran was the ever popular DirectX benchmark, 3DMark2001SE (Build 330).  We ran the benchmark at the default settings to show how the system performed with DirectX applications.

The KT4 Ultra topped the KX7-333R by 21 points at the default settings, once again showing a very close race.  Once we overclocked the system, we gained an additional 775 points, an increase just shy of 8%.  With a modest increase in bus speed, the gains were quite nice with the KT4 Ultra.

Now we'll see how the system handles some OpenGL tests.

Benchmarks and Comparisons

Quake 3:

You may call it "The Benchmark That Just Won't Die", but the Quake 3 Timedemo is still capable of taxing today's video cards to some degree.  Besides, many of us are so used to seeing these scores, we can tell a good score from a bad without looking at a comparison system at all. 


With the Quake 3 Timedemo DEMO004, both systems were virtually a dead heat with the Abit system squeezing out enough juice to top the KT4 by a mere 1FPS.  With the system overclocked, we saw an even greater gain than with 3DMark2001SE, adding an additional 11% overall.

Now that we've gotten a good idea of gaming performance with the MSI KT4 Ultra-FISR, let's get back to business and give the venerable Winstones a stab at the MSI KT4 Ultra-FISR.


Benchmarks and Comparisons Continued
Content Creation 2002

Content Creation Winstone 2002:

Content Creation Winstone 2002 is a benchmarking program that measures a PC's overall performance when running multimedia intensive programs.  Some of the applications it uses to determine a Content Creation 2002 rating are:

  • Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1

  • Adobe Premiere 6.0

  • Macromedia Director 8.5

  • Macromedia Dreamweaver UltraDev 4

  • Microsoft Windows Media Encoder

  • Netscape Navigator 6/6.01

  • Sonic Foundry Sound Forge 5.0c (build 184)


Running at 333MHz., the MSI KT4 held a solid lead over the Abit KX7-333R, besting it by over 2.4 points.  Once we increased the memory to 400MHz. we were surprised to find that the score remained relatively unchanged.  It seems that Content Creation 2002 is not going to benefit tremendously with a nominal increase in memory bandwidth.  We wonder if this will hold true with Business Winstone too?

More Winstones and Conclusion

Tags:  MSI, Motherboard, MS, Ultra, review, board, view, T4, ULT, IE, AR, K

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