Kingston Wi-Drive Review: Add Storage To iOS Devices
Final Thoughts
The Wi-Drive offers some handy functionality and additional storage space for your favorite iOS devices. In terms of price, it is less expensive to simply buy a larger capacity iPad or other iOS device from the get-go. However, if you have multiple iOS devices and find yourself constantly swapping files from one device to another, or if you simply aren't interested in shelling out the cash to upgrade your current iPad or iPhone, the Kingston Wi-Drive may be a great accessory.
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Currently, this drive is only compatible with iOS devices as well as your PC or Mac. However, our contact with Kingston said the company is working on an app that will make this drive compatible with Android devices as well. We're excited about this expanded functionality and feel that by enabling multi-platform access to the drive, the Wi-Drive will be even more appealing to users.
All in all, the Kingston Wi-Drive serves the purpose it was designed for: It expands the capacity of your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch and allows you to quickly and easily access your files. We also appreciate the drive's ability to share files with multiple users simultaneously.