Intel Core 2 Duo Performance Update

DVD Shrink & Photoshop Elements

We've got a couple of more test for you before we bring things to a close.  In these next two tests, we used DVD Shrink to compress a rip of Return of the Jedi and used Photoshop Elements to automatically color correct a directory of 103 random JPG images.

DVD Shrink
Video Encoding

The E6700 beat the overclocked Athlon 64 FX-60 by over a minute and half here.  It certainly seems that Intel gave the Core 2 Duo plenty of muscle for both audio and video encoding.

Photoshop Elements
Photo Editing

And yet again, the Core 2 Duo outpaced the AMD powered system.  Despite the Core 2 Duo's clock speed disadvantage it was able to color correct all of the images in just 2 minutes 22 seconds, a full 1 minute and 10 seconds faster than the Athlon.

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