Gigabyte GV-NX79X512DB-RH

Performance Summary: The Gigabyte GV-NX79X512DB performed just like NVIDIA's reference GeForce 7900 GTX throughout our entire battery of benchmarks, which is to say it performed very well. In 3DMark06 and Quake 4 the GV-NX79X512DB outperformed a Radeon X1900 XTX, but in HL2, Splinter Cell, and FarCry, ATI's flagship was the fastest of the single-GPU powered cards. In the F.E.A.R. benchmark the GV-NX79X512DB and XTX traded victories.  The new GeForce 7950 GX2 with it's dual-GPUs and 1GB of frame buffer memory, however, was clearly the highest performer overall.

If you're in the market for a high-end graphics adapter, or are considering adding a second 7900 GTX to your system for some SLI action, look into Gigabyte's GV-NX79X512DB. This card doesn't offer super-high clock speeds like some of the "pre-overclocked" GeForce 7900 GTXs currently available, but with a little overclocking it'll perform right alongside these higher clocked cards.  Where Gigabyte's card shines, however, is in regard to its bundle and its price point.  Gigabyte bundles full versions of PowerDVD 6 and Serious Sam II with the GV-NX79X512DB, and this card is one of the least expensive GeForce 7900 GTXs on the market at under $480. The GeForce 7900 GTX may no longer be NVIDIA's flagship graphics adapter, but the Gigabyte GV-NX79X512DB is still one heck of a performer.  We're giving this card a solid 8.5 on the Heat Meter.

  • Great Performance
  • Good Overclocker
  • Decent Bundle
  • Competitive Price
  • Still Relatively Expensive
  • No Longer NVIDIA's Flagship

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Tags:  Gigabyte, x5, 2D, X79, X51

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