There is a lot
of action and quite a few models throughout the Serious
Sam: TSE timedemo. As you can see, the Gainward
Ultra 750 / XP was significantly faster than the Radeon
8500LE at every resolution. We also enabled
Anti-Aliasing and ran this test at the same resolutions on
both cards.
OpenGL Benchmarks with Serious Sam SE and AA |
The End is Near! |

With 2X AA enabled, we obviously
lost some performance, but the Gainward Ultra 750 / XP
handled the increased load much better. With 4X AA
enabled, the Gainward card doubled the Radeon 8500LE's
performance at every resolution. Also note that the GF4 Ti 4600 was able to run Serious Sam:
TSE at
1600x1200 with 4X AA without a problem in this test, but the Radeon
could not.
Overclocking and Final Words