Corsair TWINX1024-3200XLPRO - Low Latency DDR400 RAM

Performance @ Highest Stable Clock Speed Continued

We also re-ran the PCMark04 Memory performance and low-res Comanche 4 benchmarks with the Corsair TWINX1024-3200XLPRO memory overclocked to DDR440 (2-2-2-5 timings) and DDR494 (2.5-3-3-8)...

Overclocked Performance with PCMark04
Overall Memory Score

We saw performance increases similar to SANDRA's scores with PCMark04's Memory Performance module.  At DDR440, the 3200XL Pro's PCMark04 memory score jumped by about 7.3%.  The DDR494 scores were significantly higher, with an increase of over 650 points, or 13.4%.

In-Game Performance while Overclocked
System Memory Affects Frame rates?  You Bet!

Performance in Comanche 4 is affected more by CPU speed than memory bandwidth, but we did see some increased frame rates in this test, nonetheless.  We should note, however, that because we did not have the exact same CPU speed in these overclocked tests (3.2GHz vs. 3.3GHz. vs. 3.23GHz), the scores will be somewhat skewed.  In the end though, overclocking the RAM increased the frame rate slightly in both configurations.

Tags:  DDR, Corsair, RAM, Latency, x1, Win, NX10, air, ddr4, rsa, 320, R4, pro, AI, AM

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