Albatron PC6600U GeForce 6600 Video Card

Comparisons with Far Cry 1.3

Comparisons With Far Cry 1.3
DX9 Effects Galore.

Far Cry
If you've been on top of the gaming scene, you probably know that Far Cry is one of the most visually impressive games to be released on the PC to date.  Far Cry gives us a taste of what is to come in next-generation 3D Gaming on the PC.  We benchmarked the graphics cards in this review with a custom-recorded demo run taken in the "Catacombs" area checkpoint, at 1024 x 768 and 1600 x 1200 without AA or Aniso Filtering enabled and then with 4X AA and 8X Aniso enabled together.


With FarCry, the edge still went to the X700 Pro at 1024x768, as it bettered the PC6600U by 7 frames in both tests.  Neither card was much competition for the X800XL, which gave us better framerates at 4xAA/8xAF (78.44 fps) than the other cards could without any extra pixel processing (68.19 fps for the PC6600U and 73.15fps for the X700 Pro).  At 1600x1200 we had a rare case where the PC6600U was able to overtake the X700 Pro, and that being by 7 frames - almost a 25% difference between the cards.


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