Enterprise, Workstation, Data Center, Cloud, Networking, Software News And Reviews

In-depth product reviews and news of enterprise, workstation, networking, cloud, SMB, data center and software products and services.

Tenstorrent's name might not have quite the same cache that NVIDIA's does when it comes to AI acceleration yet, but the company's unique approach has a lot of benefits. Between a royalty-free RISC-V processor ISA and highly scalable AI accelerator designs, the company promises it can lower the total cost of ownership... Read more...
Modern scientific breakthroughs aren't solely relegated to a lab these days, but also come by way of the massive compute resources that modern data centers full of servers can muster. For researchers, maintaining open access to these invaluable complexes has been vital. The Stampede and Stampede2 supercomputer... Read more...
Amazon-owned Ring is one of the largest providers of smart home cameras and security products, but any users who were trying to get by with the free service tier might be looking to jump ship soon. According to notices sent out by Ring, the company's cameras and security system will lose several key features in the... Read more...
Yesterday, T-Mobile, one of the big three mobile internet service providers in the US, announced that it recently fell victim to a data breach. The company disclosed this information in both a news release and a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). However, the news release skips over important... Read more...
Cybersecurity researchers at ASEC have uncovered a threat campaign distributing remote access software under the guise of a Pokémon NFT card game. While many threat campaigns distribute Remote Access Trojans (RATs) that operate in the background to grant threat actors access to compromised systems, this particular... Read more...
In the latest detection statistics by Dr. Web antivirus for Android, it found that more than two million users were being bamboozled into installing and using certain apps that were actually backdoors for malware, phishing, and adware. These apps were disguised as rewards apps, utilities or system optimizers that... Read more...
See Tickets, an online event ticket vendor that services both Europe and North America, has disclosed a major data breach affecting its payment processing portals. While the data breach notice is light on details, See Tickets customers should know that their payment information, including credit card credential, may... Read more...
Researchers at Aqua Security have discovered cyberattacks that appear to have been conducted by TeamTNT, a threat actor previously thought to be defunct. The researchers encountered three different attacks, each of which looks to be new. One of these attacks, which the researchers have dubbed the “Kangaroo attack,” is... Read more...
No matter how you pronounce it, GIFs are fun and entertaining for most people, and a mild annoyance for the rest. Unfortunately for users of Microsoft Teams, they are also a danger to their systems. A new malware known as GIFShell has surfaced, and the attack vector is Microsoft Teams. Found by Security researcher... Read more...
Last week, Microsoft revealed a vulnerability in the TikTok Android app that threat actors potentially could have exploited to hijack TikTok user accounts with a single click. Fortunately, TikTok patched the vulnerability earlier this year before its disclosure. However, shortly after Microsoft publicly disclosed the... Read more...
Security researcher Michael Horowitz, not to be confused with the current United States Inspector General, has been updating a blog post titled "VPNs on iOS are a scam" ever since May 2022. The rather lengthy post goes into detail about data leaks that occur outside of a VPN tunnel on iOS. The issue was first reported... Read more...
An Android banking Trojan with an already extensive toolkit recently gained a ransomware module. While banking malware is an all too prevalent a threat for mobile devices, ransomware isn’t a technique commonly deployed against mobile devices, making this particular piece of malware notable. Banking Trojans come in the... Read more...
Google is engaged in a never ending game of cat and mouse with threat actors on its Play Store who employ different techniques to sneak malware-ridden apps onto the app store. We fairly regularly write about newly discovered batches of malicious apps that went unrecognized as such long enough to infect hundreds of... Read more...
It seems these days that security researchers are sounding the alarm on malicious Androids apps in Google Play at an alarming rate. So it goes again with a fresh reporting highlighting over two dozen Android apps packaged with malware, and which have collectively been downloaded and installed 10 million times. Suffice... Read more...
It's that time again, time for the listing of apps that you might have downloaded that contain malware or methods in which to plant malware on your phone. Specifically for those who utilize Android and the Google Play Store these apps flew under the radar just long enough to wreak havoc on at least 300,000 devices. We... Read more...
Most of us likely babysat, mowed lawns, or worked part-time jobs to earn money as teens. However, teens in 2022 have some rather interesting and unexpected ways to make some extra cash. Minors are reportedly developing, discussing, and selling malware through a Discord server. What happened to paper... Read more...
If you're in the business world you've heard of Cisco. If you're in the consumer world, you probably still have heard of Cisco, or at least have probably used one of the company's products, especially considering it acquired about 218 organizations since 1993. The most well known consumer product organization acquired... Read more...
Facebook does not have the best track record when it comes to its privacy. However, there are a few things you can do as a user which can help protect your account and personal information from other users. Social media apps have become the hub where people go to connect to both old and new friends alike. Being... Read more...
Last week, Google introduced its new data safety section for the Play Store, which states that Android application developers have until July 20th to fully disclose their data collection, sharing, and safety practices. A new analysis of popular Android apps shows why this kind of data collection transparency is... Read more...
We’ve recently covered a number of sophisticated phishing scam techniques, including fake animated windows designed to steal passwords and automated call bots that trick victims into giving away multi-factor authentication codes. While ransomware attacks are currently on track to surpass phishing attacks as the number... Read more...
Cybersecurity news can seem like a never-ending stream of new vulnerabilities and a single prevailing message: “make sure to patch your devices.” Nonetheless, this message bears repeating. While we may keep up with updates on devices that receive over-the-air (OTA) updates on a semi-regular basis, we can still forget... Read more...
Always be wary of installing apps on your mobile device, regardless of where that app comes from. Many people use their mobile devices for banking and other financial transactions, because they're always with us, always connected, and easy to use. Unfortunately, because of their ubiquity and ease of use, mobile phones... Read more...
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