Items tagged with Video Game

The future of Microsoft's acclaimed and beloved Flight Simulator product has been up in the air since early in 2009, when layoffs hit Flight Simulator staff. In fact, there hadn't been a refresh of the franchise since 2006. Until now. On Tuesday, Microsoft announced the latest revision of the game, dropping the "Simulator" portion of the name... Read more...
Desperate times call for desperate measures, and it's pretty safe to assume that Blockbuster has their back against the wall. The company has struggled lately just to keep up with debt payments, and their vast brick-and-mortar network seems to be doing them more harm than good when compared to nimble rivals like... Read more...
Not long ago, we learned about Walmart's plan to expand its consumer electronics offerings. The big-box retailer is not alone. Target also has a system-wide plan to upgrade its TV, gaming, and digital imaging sections and product offerings.  The rollout began last month and should be completed by June. With the new CE department design,... Read more...
Sony and Amazon have an interesting relationship. On one hand, they're enemies. The Kindle rivals the Sony Reader, and vice-versa. On the other, they're best of friends, with Sony now being able to sell digital downloads codes for its PlayStation wares through the online mega-retailer's website. A newly formed... Read more...
You know those times when you think: "Why didn't someone think of this earlier?" Yeah, this is one of those times. MTV Networks and Harmonix have teamed up to show just how brilliant their respective marketing teams are by pushing Rock Band into a place that just seems so fitting: bars.You heard right. Rock Band is stepping out of the living... Read more...
There's little doubt that media buying is changing. iTunes is selling more and more singles while physical disc sales dwindle. GameStop is hiring executives to manage digital aspects of business. And Redbox is dabbling in video games after years of sticking to DVDs and Blu-ray Discs alone.You heard that right--the famous red box that somehow... Read more...
File this one under "news of the weird." In a completely strange and unexpected twist of events, Activision has filed a lawsuit that could prevent a Jack Black-based video game from becoming a reality. The aforementioned company sued game developer Double Fine Productions this past week in order to halt the impending release of "Brutal Legand"... Read more...
A few years ago, turntables were reserved for hardcore DJs and beat-mixers. Today, they're everywhere. In cellphones, in homes and now, in video games. And we're not talking about no-name third-party manufacturers, we're talking about big names in the industry. For example, Numark and Genius just announced Scratch: The Ultimate DJ Videogame... Read more...
Can you handle another Wii-related peripheral in your house? With so many plastic guitars, drumsets, Wiimote cases, Wii Zapper holsters, fishing accessories, etc., we're beginning to wonder if there's any end to the madness in sight. Of course, the peripheral industry is a thriving one, and Nintendo's choice to add motion sensitivity to its... Read more... has halted sales of a Japanese video game that simulated the rape of a mother and her two daughters. The Rapelay game had been offered, not directly by, but rather through its third-party Amazon Marketplace service. The seller specializes in "hentai" — sexually explicit anime and manga. The description of the game, obtained... Read more...
Spore is not only a retail hit, it's a BitTorrent hit, according to a recent top 10 assessment of PC game piracy by TorrentFreak. Spore's SecuROM DRM earned it negative customer reviews at, protest Spore creatures, as well as lawsuits. According to TorrentFreak (and honestly, many others), it also earned the game a ton of pirated... Read more...
It use to be that video game developers were geeks in their basements crunching code for hours on end until their eyes bled, with hardly a business plan behind them, never mind a justifiable business case that would support making a career out of their artform.  In fact, gaming itself only really took off in the mass market as recent... Read more...
In a Monday press release, announced that buyers who want to get their hands on some upcoming hot games can upgrade their shipping to be assured they'll get them on release day: Gamers have been asking for it and Amazon has answered the call. Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) today announced that it will offer release-date delivery... Read more...
File-sharing, that's widely discussed.  But game sharing, not so much.  Basically the focus until now has been on music and movies, but now it seems industry has decided games being shared via P2P also deserve to be addressed. As many as 100 people suspected of illegally sharing computer game files over the internet are to be sued... Read more...
New studies conducted at a number of prominent Universities around the country have finally revealed what many of us gamers and long time technophiles have known all along--video games can help kids learn, and improve dexterity and some cognitive functions.Other information gathered from the studies, however, didn't focus solely on game-playing... Read more...
While it appears there certainly is an ad for this particular, er, subject, the question of how legitimate it is remains.In one of the more unbelievable media twists to come in the aftermath of last week’s Byron Review, a national newspaper is offering readers 'hundreds of pounds' to confess that games pushed them into a life of crime.An advert... Read more...
Japan's Sony Corporation crawled up out of the puddle of reddish ink it was dog-paddling in last year and posted a substantial profit for the last quarter. The quarterly profit news allowed Sony to raise its forecast for the year by six times last year's number. The number is based mainly on strength in LCD TVs, computers, and digital cameras;... Read more...
U.S. Disctrict Court Judge Robin J. Cauthron has issued a permanent injunction against an Oklahoma state law that, if it had ever gone into effect, would have prevented the sale of violent video games to minors.The law was signed last June by Governor Brad Henry, but a temporary injunction was invoked almost immediately to study whether or... Read more...
For years the defense department and even some large corporations have utilized games as a method of teaching people various trade tasks.  It appears that miners are perhaps the newest recipients of 'video game' based training.Considering the staggering cost of serious mining equipment (think 7 and 8 figures each), the idea of training and... Read more...
This law had originally passed in 2005, but late last year was temporarily blocked.  The block became permanent in August of this year, when a judge ruled the law was unconstitutional. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said Wednesday that he had appealed a court decision that struck down the controversial violent video... Read more...
It has been discussed often, yet there has been no definitive answer about whether or not video games contribute to societal violence.  If you look around you can find studies that say "yes," and studies that say "no."  Well, Oprah's favorite shrink, Dr. Phil, is going to tackle the issue, as he prepares to tape a show devoted to just that... Read more...
68 million people played video games on a console last month, and an astonishing 42% spent that time playing on the last generation Sony console, the Playstation 2. Nintendo's Wii has garnered a lot of press for its explosive sales and fun, intuitive controller; but if you add sales of the Playstation 2 and Playstation 3, they add up to about... Read more...
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