Items tagged with Study

The amount of gamers in the world seems to increase drastically year-over-year. There are now a myriad of ways you can game, from consoles, PCs, to mobile devices like smartphones. It is only fitting that attention is drawn to the mental health and practical aspects of such a heavily practiced genre.  There is some... Read more...
If you're a parent of a young child who is suddenly prone to angry outbursts, you may want to limit their time in front of an iPad (even one of the new M2 iPads) or other tablet. No, we're not offering up parenting advice, but passing along the insinuation of a new study published in JAMA Pediatrics, which links... Read more...
Video games sometime get a bad rap. Politicians like to link them to real world violence, despite studies suggesting otherwise, and you have heard growing up that too much gaming will rot your brain. Will it really, though? A new study claims playing video games has the exact opposite effect, leading to enhanced... Read more...
Over the years, several studies have linked violent video games to violent behaviors in real life. However, those studies have been a pain in the side of ordinary people who understand the studies are a bunch of hogwash. A new ten-year-long study has come out, explaining that violent video games do not cause kids to... Read more...
If you have ever been harassed while playing an online game, you are far from alone. That is not to say that this revelation will come as any consolation, but according to a new study by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a not-for-profit civil rights organization, harassment in online games is disturbingly... Read more...
We all know that Google gathers a plethora of data on us as we surf the web and stay logged into Google accounts. You might think that Chrome's incognito mode allows you to surf the web anonymously where Google isn't tweaking results of your searches based on what it knows about you, but you would be wrong. You might... Read more...
If Hasbro had any sense, it would an iPhone game piece to the board game Monopoly, and dip it in gold so that it stands out among the others. After all, owning an iPhone is top indicator of wealth, right? Right!? Hey, don't shoot the messenger, we're just passing along what the National Bureau of Economic Research and... Read more...
Creature comforts inside automobiles are becoming increasingly sophisticated, with a larger emphasis placed on the infotainment system. However, drivers should use caution when fiddling around with in-vehicle electronics. There have been numerous reports and studies of the ill effects of distracted driving, and it is... Read more...
It's hard for many of us to trust the studies that seem to come out on a daily basis covering a variety of topics. You can find studies on the same subject that come down on completely different sides of the topic depending on who funded them. You might expect a study commissioned by the European Commission (EC) to be... Read more...
It's a funny thing, I've killed more people over the years than I care to remember. Some of them I shot down in the streets because they were invading my turf, and others I ran over with a car—it's hard to avoid plowing through pedestrians when driving on the sidewalk. Of course, all of this happened in a virtual... Read more...
You wouldn't know it by the way people with smartphones tend to ignore their physical surroundings in favor of whatever is on their digital screens, but use of social media apps is down. That's according to market research firm SimilarWeb, which compared data on Android apps over a yearlong period. What the study... Read more...
Today's video games can cost more to make than a blockbuster movie. The level of graphical detail is pretty amazing in some cases, and when you throw in ambient sound effects and an engaging storyline, it's easy to be sucked into a virtual world. It shouldn't really be surprising, then, that college students enjoy... Read more...
We always knew that watching videos of cats was good for a few laughs, hence why so many of our work days are interrupted by having to watching "just one more clip." If that sounds familiar, don't beat yourself up over it -- a new study in the journal Computers in Human Behavior suggests that watching videos of cats... Read more...
Consider it an unfortunate sign of the times we live in that companies have to set aside enormous funds to contend with the cost of cyber related crimes. We're not talking chump change here -- according to a study by security firm Ponemon Institute that was funded by International Business Machines, the average cost... Read more...
At this point, the resetting of a mobile phone to a from-the-factory state is something we have all done, perhaps simply to get a fresh start with a device that has become sluggish and over-burdened with years of downloaded flotsam. But more likely, we do it for the purpose of selling the phone or passing it along to... Read more...
For whatever reason, there are certain songs that, once heard, tend to play over and over again in your head. It's quite annoying, and try as you might, there's no easy way to purge the unwanted tune from memory, or so we've always thought. Well, guess what? Not only is it possible to get one of these so called... Read more...
It's said that a single bad apple can ruin the whole bunch, but Internet trolls are even worse. They not only ruin what could have been an engaging discussion on an interesting topic with intelligent individuals, but they often manage to go undetected until that moment when all hell breaks loose. And then the ban... Read more...
By now it's been beaten into all of our heads that text messaging or otherwise farting around on a mobile phone while driving is a bad idea. Study after study shows that bad things are prone to happen when we take our eyes off the road and fixate them on our phones or other objects, but according to research by the... Read more...
If you grew up watching The Jetsons like I did, you might have thought we'd all be commuting in flying cars by now. We're still a long ways from that kind of technology, though in its place are self-driving cars like the ones Google has been experimenting with. According to a new study, it won't be all that long... Read more...
New research from the University of Missouri has found that iPhone separation can have "serious psychological and physiological effects," with participants showing poor performance on cognitive tests when not in possession of their Apple device. However, the way the study was conducted, it may not be the actual... Read more...
Here's a not-so-fun fact for your Friday workday -- there are 9 incidents per million users per day involving "manual hijacking," which is when professional attackers spend considerable time exploiting a single victim's account, often causing financial losses, Google says. Though they're not the most prominent types... Read more...
Give a kid a pack of Oreo cookies and he'll feast for a few minutes. But offer the same kid an iPad for his stash of sweets and he'll gladly make that trade, spending the next several hours staring and tapping at a brightly lit LCD screen. We know this because the iPad is now the No. 1 brand among children ages 6-12... Read more...
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