Items tagged with Minecraft
Last Christmas, so-called hackers at Lizard Squad decided to toy with the emotions of millions. At a time when many people would have been hooking up a brand-new game console (or loading up a new game), both the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live were knocked offline, thanks to an effective DDoS attack. Considering the...
Minecraft is a hugely popular game around the globe, and Microsoft was wise to snatch up its creator, Mojang AB, for $2.5 billion last year. Given its popularity, it’s not uncommon to see Minecraft gamers live stream their digital exploits for all to see. What is uncommon, however, is to see such a mundane activity...
How do you top the release of Windows 10, the last version of Windows ever, which by the way Microsoft is giving away for free to Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users? Quite frankly, you don't, though there's another freebie that ties into that. If you already own Minecraft for PC or Mac -- and 20 million of you do -- then you can get the new version
It appears that Microsoft hasn't just been putting in overtime to make sure Windows 10 gets out the door in time, it's also been ardently working on a special version of Minecraft to also launch on July 29.
It's important to note that this isn't an update to the Java-based Minecraft; instead, this will be the version found inside the Windows
Minecraft is a blockbuster game that has been played by millions around the globe, both young and old. The incredible popularity of the game is what prompted Microsoft to buy the game’s creator, Mojang, for $2.5 billion in late 2014.
And while Minecraft is can be seen as a game that allows players to dilly dally a...
In what must be considered one of the most obvious, inherently logical, and overdue moves in open world gameplay, the Internet, technology, commerce, business, marketing, etc., LEGO has launched LEGO Worlds, the company's entry into the sandbox gaming space.
Available through Valve's PC gaming Stream platform...
Hackers have posted a list containing 1,800 usernames, passwords, and email addresses belonging to Minecraft players. While that represents a small fraction of the overall number of Minecraft players, those who appear on the list are at risk of having their accounts broke into by anyone who views the list, which has...
One of the most hotly debated issues regarding current consoles isn't just whether the PS4 or Xbox One is the better device -- it's whether the new consoles launched with sufficiently advanced hardware at all. Many in the press and readers alike have complained that next-gen devices just aren't powerful enough to...
It appears that the rumors have turned out to be true. Today, both Microsoft and Mojang announced that they have reached an agreement where Microsoft will pay $2.5 billion for Mojang, which includes its Minecraft franchise and other IPs currently being developed. However, it was also revealed that the game...
The rumors keep on flying as an unnamed source “briefed on the matter” told Reuters that Microsoft is not only looking to acquire Minecraft developer Mojang, but buy it for the hefty sum of $2.5 billion. That’s $500 million more than was previously rumored last week. The same source went on to say...
There is no doubt that, at this point, the Xbox One needs a shot in the arm. While Microsoft has struck a deal with Square Enix for limited exclusivity over Rise of the Tomb Raider, Sony was able to hog the advertisement spotlight when it came to Destiny. Now Microsoft is reportedly looking to acquire Minecraft...
When I first caught wind of Markus "Notch" Persson's latest game, called Cliffhorse, the first thing I thought was, "Is this a joke?" As it turns out, it is a joke, and personally, I think it's a pretty good one. "Early Access" games are common, and it seems that everyone has an opinion on them. Personally, while I...
Lest anyone carp about tax dollars being wasted on such a seemingly ridiculous endeavor as recreating the entire country of Denmark in Minecraft--which is an actual thing that the Danish Geodata Agency (Geodatastyrelsen) did--note well that the project is intended to be as educational as it is awesome. First of all...
Minecraft is headed to the silver screen. Warner Bros. has secured the movie rights, and the film adaption of the game will be helmed by Jon Berg, with Roy Lee producing, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The title is one of those insanely popular games whose appeal is a mystery on its face--you build stuff in a...
If you have creative kids that like to build things, there’s a new app that will keep them occupied for hours called Blokify. Simply put, Blokify starts you out with a Minecraft-looking “construction kit” featuring themed environments and textured blocks, along with models and background music, and...
Freeloading iOS users found a virtual sweet treat in 2013 as millions rushed to play Candy Crush Saga, the most downloaded free title on both the iPhone and iPad this past year, according to Apple. Whether or not you've played the game, you've probably heard of it before, especially if you have a Facebook account...
Here's a PSA to PlayStation 3 parents -- keep your gamer children hydrated and fed, and force them to get a bit of exercise and sleep every once in awhile. This will be super important advice come December 18 (this Wednesday) because that's when the highly addictive indie building game known as Minecraft will land on the PS3. Owen Hill from...
Never underestimate the passion of a programmer and true geek at heart. That's the lesson to take away from today's story of little Julia, a 12-year-old girl who plays on her school's basketball and volleyball teams, is into swimming, and who recently spent an hour learning the fundamentals of CUDA programming at the...
Videogames often get a bad rap for rotting our brains, creating violence or simply wasting our time, but as anyone with a sensible mind undoubtedly knows, there's a lot of good to come from them as well. A perfect example comes to us this weekend from Google's quantum AI lab team. It involves Minecraft and a whole lot...
The more that things change, the more things stay the same. It's not always true, but funnily enough, it has a way of continuing to be a solid adage. Despite incredible advances in graphical technology, one of the world's most popular games at the moment involves precious little resources: Minecraft. It's a pixelated masterpiece, and it has...
"But does it run Minecraft?" Yes - it's the tamer version of the age-old Crysis question, but it's an important one given Minecraft's amazing success. While mobile gamers have access to Minecraft: Pocket Edition, those who own DIY Raspberry Pi boards have been out of luck. But, thanks to the hard work by the...
The backlash against Windows 8 from various developers continues, but this time the creator in question isn't just expressing discontent. Notch, the developer behind smash hit Minecraft, a game that's torn up sales charts on both the Xbox and PC, has declared that he won't be working with Microsoft to certify Mincraft for Windows 8. Yesterday,...