Mass Effect DLC For Minecraft Coming September 4th
Soon, another major title will joining forces -- in fact, one of the world's most graphically intense titles will be coming to one of the most graphically simple titles. The Xbox 360 edition of Minecraft will soon be treated to a Mass Effect Mash-Up DLC Pack. That's right: Minecraft and Mass Effect, together at last.
The recently-unveiled trailer shows off a bit of a Mars facility in Mass Effect 3's campaign, but of course, dressed up in Minecraft attire. In sum, the downloadable pack will have 36 Mass Effect-inspired skins, with folks such as Tali, Garrus, Legion, and Urdnot Wrex slated for inclusion. Better still, gamers are promised that even more DLC packs are coming for Minecraft, following the likes of Borderlands and Portal already. The pack will cost 320 Microsoft Points, or $4.