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Sometimes fact is stranger than fiction, and in other instances, they're nearly inseparable. The latter is the case here, as thieves in Brazil pulled off a heist in a such a way that it could have just as easily been part of a script for an action movie. According to reports, the robbers attacked a Samsung factory... Read more...
Amazon is willing to go to court if the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) decides to sue the e-commerce giant for refusing to pay a penalty over mobile in-app purchases made by children on smartphone applications. The FTC wants Amazon to enter into a settlement similar to the one it reached with Apple earlier this year... Read more...
The world's largest social network -- that would be Facebook, folks -- has agreed to acquire LiveRail, an advertising technology company, for an undisclosed sum of money (online reports have the figure pegged at between $400 million and $500 million). While announcing the planned acquisition, Facebook pointed out that LiveRail has helped several... Read more...
It's pretty remarkable how quickly a technological shift can impact our daily lives. Consider that 10-15 years ago, comparatively few people owned a mobile phone. And now? Not only do most adults in the U.S. carry a handset with them, but in a survey conducted by Bank of America, 47 percent of U.S. consumers admitted... Read more...
Google's ongoing I/O conference has so far been bursting at the seams with interesting announcements. In fact, there's been so many announcements that it's been a little hard to keep up. One of the more interesting ones surprisingly doesn't come from Google, though. Rather, it comes from NVIDIA, and it's a development... Read more...
The latest version of the Unicode standard has been released this week, and for those out there who love emoji characters, there's some 250 reasons to be excited about it. The Unicode standard is what helps make it possible to see the same characters across multiple platforms, whether it be a language character, or... Read more...
It's widely believed that Amazon will take advantage of an event on Wednesday to launch its first-ever smartphone, and now, and even after the launch, there will be much speculation about what the company will be able to pull off. One thing's for sure: Things are about to get interesting. The smartphone realm is one rife of fierce competition,... Read more...
Given the extraordinary acceleration of mobile growth we've witnessed over the past decade, this landmark comes as little surprise: We've just hit 7.1 billion unique mobile subscriptions worldwide. As the title of this post suggests, that's enough to average out to one subscription per person on a global scale. Of... Read more...
With a just-released video, the team of Watch Dogs shows us what we can expect from the game's online capabilities, and as someone who was curious about this but hadn't done a lick of research, I have to say things are looking awesome. The video opens up with the player roaming the streets, just as he would in the... Read more...
Facebook has long been a major competitor to Google from many different respects, and now, things are set to heat up even more. It's being rumored that at the company's F8 conference to be held later this month, the veil will be taken off of its mobile ad network. This is something that's been rumored for a long time... Read more...
Some might consider it to be a major breach of privacy, but Facebook sees it as a major feature. With "Nearby Friends", the Facebook mobile app will be able to tell you if any of your contacts are - as you'd expect - nearby. This feature was first rumored just over a year ago, and at the time, many were up-in-arms -... Read more...
In the high stakes game of mobile, wireless carriers have been flirting with a price war. That's not to say it's exactly cheap to rush out and sign up a family of four to a mobile phone plan in which all four members have a smartphone and generous data allotment, though prices are certainly coming down. The latest to... Read more...
It's not uncommon to see a new game title come out that touts that the "best" experience will be on either AMD's or NVIDIA's (or Intel's in rarer cases) GPUs, but it is uncommon to see a game engine as a whole being given the nod by its developer to one or the other. In this case, the engine is Unreal Engine 4, and it... Read more...
The biggest craze in mobile display technology in recent years is no doubt a surprise to no one. Manufacturers have made it their mission to cram as many pixels into as small a display as possible. The result? Panels that display hundreds of pixels-per-inch - some have even reached the ridiculous heights of 400+ (it's... Read more...
As any mobile user can attest, there are no shortages of free games to download from the various app market places, though many of them try to attach their tentacles to your wallet or purse through in-game purchases (some are worse about it than others). These can range from weapon and armor upgrades, to gems that can... Read more...
Retired pro skater Tony Hawk hinted earlier this week that there would be a new skateboarding game based on his brand, and when pressed for information, publisher Activision confirmed to media outlets that it has "something in the works," followed by a promise to offer up more information soon. Activision wasn't ready to drop the bombshell... Read more...
It's hard to argue that iOS is a solid, feature-rich mobile OS, but when it comes to customization, it lacks a lot in comparison to Android, thanks to Apple's desire to keep a tight reign on most of it. Well, with a just-released SDK for a replacement keyboard called Fleksy, there's a glimmer of hope that at least one part of the OS can be... Read more...
Windows Phone 8.1 is shaping up to be one of the best - if not the best - WP releases ever, and for the sake of shaking things up in the mobile market, I hope that proves to be the case. A couple of weeks ago, we learned that 8.1 would be introducing an "Action Center", in effect, a notifications system overhaul. For Windows Phone users, this... Read more...
Time might be running out if you've been planning to download Flappy Bird to see what all the fuss is about. You've probably heard of the popular mobile title, a simple title in which you're instructed to tap the screen to keep a flapping bird airborne through a series of pipes that look like they've been ripped... Read more...
It took all of a minute after Google announced Glass for privacy concerns to come to the forefront, and since then, the company has worked hard to calm everyone's fears. While Google itself might not bundle software that has the potential to invade someone else's privacy, there's little to stop a third-party... Read more...
It's rather annoying having to sidestep a fellow pedestrian on the sidewalk who's paying more attention to his mobile phone than his surroundings, but not only is such behavior selfishly rude, it's scientifically observed to be dangerous, too. A new study points out all kinds of flaws with trying to text message and strut at the same time.... Read more...
Here's a head-scratcher:, creators of the popular online game Candy Crush, has managed to trademark the word "Candy". It might seem bizarre that such a general word could be trademarked, but because it's being applied specifically to gaming (and clothing, for some reason), it's allowed to go... Read more...
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