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Folks have long since argued about what government aspects are too wasteful, and which ones don't actually have a positive impact. But as technology fans, it's hard to knock this idea: FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has called for at least one gigabit community in all 50 states by 2015. It's a new challenge that... Read more...
With CES 2013 just around the bend, a few of the fancier items are beginning to surface early courtesy of FCC filings that are being unearthed. Generally speaking, a product destined for a U.S. reveal will scurry through the FCC's testing lair just days or weeks prior to its official announcement. And that seems to be... Read more...
When it comes to flying in the U.S., and dealing with either the FCC or the FAA, "red tape" comes to mind. It's a heavily regulated industry, and with safety at the forefront, there's at least somewhat of an excuse. But, it's still no fun to deal with, particularly if you're waiting for Wi-Fi to come to your favorite... Read more...
The Pebble smartwatch is most certainly in the limelight. After raising bookoodles of money on Kickstarter, the crowdfunded smartwatch has garnered the attention of the masses in a major way. And now, after it missed its September ship date, it's in the spotlight for another reason: ruining Christmas for some. All... Read more...
Verizon Wireless customers have reason to celebrate today, at least the ones using Android devices. Following an investigation, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruled that VZW is not allowed to block third-party tethering apps on Android devices, and must also pay a $1.25 million fine to settle the... Read more...
For too long, the download/upload speeds advertised by ISPs fell far short of real-world performance, but things have been improving of late. According to the FCC’s “Measuring Broadband America” 2012 report, ISPs were delivering an average of 96% of advertised speeds during peak traffic times, which is up significantly from... Read more...
Did you know that the FCC hasn’t updated its guidelines regarding maximum radiation levels in mobile devices since 1996? FCC chairman Julius Genachowski is apparently aware of this, because he’s looking to launch a formal inquiry into the matter. In a statement that was circulated to news outlets, the FCC... Read more...
One of the most wonderful things about the Internet is that it creates a more level playing field for most people, not unlike the public library (but on steroids). Whether you live in a bustling metropolis or a tiny Midwestern town, are rich or poor, have the latest iOS device or an old second-hand desktop someone... Read more...
What if Sony popped out a new Bloggie camcorder, with Wi-Fi? According to a drop in the FCC, that may be on deck. Pocket camcorders have shipped with Wi-Fi before, and Sony's Bloggie line has seen a great deal of success through the years, and it looks that the next one may be the barnburner that makes us forget about the death of Flip Video.... Read more...
The government's still trying to figure this whole "jobs" thing out, but the FCC is making moves on something, anyway. It's being called (by the FCC) the "most significant policy step ever taken to connect all Americans to high-speed Internet, wherever they live." It's the Connect America Fund, which aims to reform... Read more...
In speech remarks posted on the FCC website, FCC chairman Julius Genachowski announced a plan to bring broadband and mobile broadband access to the entire country. Big talk of that nature is nothing new, but the plan portends to achieve this goal by the end of the decade. Genachowski expects the number of people... Read more...
Much like the AT&T / T-Mobile USA merger, we knew that there was no way in the world that any new "net neutrality" rules would fly into law without a little friction. Verizon Communications has stepped up to the plate, not ashamed to make a public front against the looming FCC imposition of those very rules. This... Read more...
Well, it’s official: According to Reuters, the FCC’s Net neutrality rules have been published in the Federal Register. They'll finally go into effect on November 20th. We knew this was coming and discussed it last week, but the Federal Register publication was the last official step toward launching the new rules. Net neutrality... Read more...
The U.S. government has never been accused of moving too quickly on anything, and the Net neutrality rules that the FCC released late in 2010 are no exception. According to Reuters, the White House’s Office of Management and Budget has finally signed off on the rules, which clears the way for implementation in... Read more...
Telecommunications companies in 16 states have laid out plans to share more than $103 million in federal funding to help expand broadband internet access to rural areas of the country that haven't yet been reached by high-speed service or are underserved. The announcement comes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which is providing about... Read more...
Most ISPs advertise the upload and download speeds of their broadband, but just how much truth is in advertising? A recent study by the FCC aims give consumers the answer for the nation's largest providers. The Federal Communications Commission has released the results of a year-long scientific study it conducted with regard to the upload... Read more...
For the past few years, display manufacturers of every stripe have been singing the praises of 3-D displays and their various levels of support for the nascent standard. Consumers, unfortunately, haven't been playing along. Despite marketing initiatives, high-profile film releases, and prominent support for 3-D gaming from the likes of Sony... Read more...
Government tests appear to confirm earlier tests done by the GPS industry: LightSquared's proposed mobile broadband network disrupts GPS devices in the area. The data is given more weight by the impartiality of the testing, but wasn't a surprise: LightSquared's spectrum block is right next to that used by GPS receivers. All GPS devices tested... Read more...
Samsung still isn't coming clean with a release date for the new and improved Galaxy Tab 10.1, but we have a pretty good indication that it'll be shipping sooner rather than later. Why? Because the GT-P7310 just landed in the FCC. If you aren't familiar with the process of FCC clearance, it generally works as such. A... Read more...
The world belongs to the airwaves, and we're just breathing it all in. Or something like that. The FCC has been trying to figure out what to do with wireless spectrum for a few years now, first ushering in the analog-to-digital TV transition and then auctioning off unused 700MHz wireless spectrum. But now, the agency is saying that they need... Read more...
Recently, President Barack Obama said that his goal was to eventually provide access to broadband Internet to 98% of America. He doesn't have too far to go based on numbers alone, but getting from 90% to 98% will probably prove tougher than anyone can imagine. This week, the FCC released a Broadband Heat Map of the U.S., a way of showing just... Read more...
Here's a surprise: Verizon isn't too fond of the FCC's Net Neutrality order. Actually, that isn't too much of a surprise. Many ISPs, cellphone carriers and other operators in this space are very hesitant to jump onboard the FCC's latest train, as any additional regulation and oversight into their industry could mean less control for how they Read more...
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