Search Results For: fcc.aspx

More or less as expected, the FCC voted to advance the new net neutrality rules that would allow ISPs to charge certain web companies more for “fast lanes” for content. It’s a decision that net neutrality advocates are unhappy with because they see it as an unhealthy compromise, while net neutrality... Read more...
Okay, you feel strongly about net neutrality rules, but you roll your eyes at the prospect of a bunch of aging rockstars advocating for it. What do cats like Eddie Vedder, Tom Morello, Michael Stipe, Fugazi, and more have to do with any of the issues at hand? Actually, they have a really good point to bring to the... Read more...
Ever since terrestrial broadcasters shut down their stations and went off the air, the FCC has been mulling what to do with sections of spectrum and how that wireless space should be allocated between wireless broadcasters and other types of use. It's a complicated issue, in that much of the frequency in question is... Read more...
The FCC has approved an AT&T acquisition of Leap Wireless, which includes Cricket and all of its 4.6 million customers--but the agency did not greenlight the deal without caveats. AT&T does get all of Leap Wireless’ spectrum, networking equipment, and “other assets”, but the company will have to divest spectrum in... Read more...
The United States Government has filed a lawsuit against Sprint Communications requesting triple damages to the tune of $63M. Sprint's crime? Overcharging the NSA, FBI, and various other government agencies for the cost of spying on millions of Americans and turning their data over to the government. This is another... Read more...
Earlier this week, we talked about Geeksphone's Blackphone, a smartphone that puts privacy and security front and center. In some ways, the goals of that phone might sound a little overkill for some, but after learning about Boeing's upcoming offering, it will seem like child's play. Boeing's phone doesn't seem to... Read more...
Straight out of the "It's about time!" files comes an FCC filing that suggests Microsoft could soon be unveiling an LTE-equipped Surface 2 tablet, and as boring as that might sound, it holds a lot of importance. Plus, there's a couple of fun things to speculate on. For starters, let's not ignore the fact that the... Read more...
The FCC’s effort to impose net neutrality rules suffered a setback when a federal court threw out some important sections of the measures, but as the agency fights back against Verizon, et al, it has a powerful ally in the White House. Well, sort of. In a statement on the We The People blog (in response to a... Read more...
As we’ve all had some time to digest the potential reality of a Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger, there’s some thought out there that the two giants could be making a move specifically designed to target cord-cutters, those brave souls who’ve given the one-finger salute to traditional pay-TV... Read more...
Senate democrats introduced new legislation called the Smartphone Theft Prevention Act (senate bill 2032), which would mandate a killswitch option on all smartphones. The big four wireless carriers as well as the CTIA are all on record as being against such measures, but if the bill passes, they won’t have much... Read more...
The fight over net neutrality is ongoing, and the most recent punch thrown took the form of a letter that several U.S. senators, including Senator Al Franken, wrote to new FCC chairman Tom Wheeler, urging him to act quickly to fight back against a recent court ruling that vacated the anti-discrimination and... Read more...
You know who’s not a fan of net neutrality? Verizon. The mobile carrier issued a challenge to--and defeated--the FCC’s order that imposes net neutrality rules that include transparency, no blocking, and no unreasonable discrimination policies. The U.S. Court of Appeals has vacated the anti-discrimination... Read more...
When new FCC chairman Tom Wheeler stepped into his new job, he had some big shoes to fill after predecessor Julius Genachowski left an impressive track record behind, but Mr. Wheeler seems to be hitting the ground running. This week, he wrote a letter to the CTIA urging the group to amend its Consumer Code to change... Read more...
Carrier lock-in has long been the bane (well, a bane) of the mobile user’s life. Being unable to switch between carriers at will because of lengthy contracts and the need to buy a new phone and throw the old, now-useless one in a ditch somewhere* even though it’s a perfectly fine piece of hardware when you... Read more...
I think it's safe to say that a generally agreed-upon thing in tech is that cords suck. You might have way too many of them to deal with, or you might be tired of plugging one in the wrong way all the time (I'm looking at you, USB). It's for these reasons that wireless power is an interesting topic, and while there... Read more...
As hard as it is to believe that such a fight could even exist, it looks like the courts are beginning to side with the likes of Verizon in the belief that ISPs should have the right to discriminate against websites. Net neutrality, a simple principle that states that the Internet should be "open" is at risk of becoming a moot point, nothing... Read more...
The NVIDIA P1640 tablet appears to have a real product name--the NVIDIA Tegra TAB--and it’s made an appearance at the FCC. Documents show that the 7-inch device sports a variant of the Tegra 4 chip (T4OS-A2) and comes with a stylus--or at least, the “Premium Model” will. The Tegra TAB also comes... Read more...
Outgoing FCC chairman Julius Genachowski is leaving his post sometime in the near future, but he’s no lame duck; according to the New York Times, Genachowski and the rest of the FCC are working hard on making in-flight WiFi cheaper, faster, and more readily available. The FCC voted to begin the process of using... Read more...
In what is already a hotly contested issue that will no doubt end in a high stakes showdown, the FCC and its chairman Julius Genachowski (pictured), is proposing a large-scale, free public WiFi network that would be more powerful than current home and office WiFi networks, according to the Washington Post. Essentially, these WiFi networks... Read more...
How do you know we're living in the future? If Wi-Fi in the skies and second-screen experiences aren't enough for you, how about this? While Google has thought up some pretty outlandish things in its history, there's a big difference between cooking something up on a drawing board, and submitting something to the FCC for clearance. Google... Read more...
Let there be no lingering doubt: Samsung has an 8" tablet in the pipeline. While the original Galaxy Tab filled the 7" void, and the Note 10.1 has done likewise for the largest 10" form factor, there's always a market for the in-between. In an effort to address each and every possible preference, Samsung is evidently... Read more...
There was a bit of Alltel left over after the Verizon Wireless acquisition back in 2009, and now AT&T is gobbling up the rest. AT&T announced that it will purchase Alltel and its licenses, network assets, retail outlets, and subscribers (such as they are, at 585,000 people) for $780 million. Alltel operates in... Read more...
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