Search Results For: amazon.aspx
Rumors that Amazon was considering a streaming video service supported by ads and separate from its Prime program first surfaced back in March of this year. Nothing came of it, at least not yet, though that doesn't necessarily mean those plans are dead. These kinds of roll outs take time -- negotiations with content...
Amazon has begun shipping its Fire TV Stick to customers today, the company's low-cost streaming HDMI dongle that will go up against Google's Chromecast device and a growing number of competitors. The Fire TV Stick costs just $39, and while that's $4 higher than a Chromecast, there are a few advantages to Amazon's...
Back on November 13, Wal-Mart announced that it would price match select online retailers which included However, consumers took advantage of this and were recently able to scam Wal-Mart into price matching Sony’s $400 PlayStation 4 for only $90. Proof of the fraud was noticed by CNBC as photos of...
Sharing is caring, right folks? With that in mind, Amazon today announced a new over-the-air (OTA) software update for its Kindle, Kindle Voyage, and Kindle Paperwhite (most recent version) devices that will enable sharing Kindle books with an Amazon account of a spouse or partner. Using the new Kindle Library...
Remember that uncomfortable feeling you got in the pit of your stomach from watching Amazon's terribly awkward commercial for its new Echo digital assistant speaker thing? Well, we felt it too, as did the Internet community at large. And just like a shot of something horrible tasting needs a chaser to restore order...
Scribd received a shot in the arm today with the announcement that the e-book subscription service now also offers more than 30,000 audiobooks. Among the highlights are audio versions of books written by Dennis Lehane, Elmore Leonard, and Haruki Murakami. The Hunger Games Trilogy is also available in audiobook and...
Adding to the pile of awesome already heaped onto Amazon Prime memberships, the e-tailer this week introduced Prime Photos, which is yet another tantalizing benefit for Prime subscribers. In this case, Prime Photos provides free unlimited photo storage in Amazon Cloud Drive, so the only restrictions you have to worry...
Once upon a time, Amazon was an online e-tailer. Now, the company has become a full-on technology maker, with loads of hardware and software to speak of. There's the Kindle, Fire TV, Fire TV Stick, Fire tablet range, Fire Phone, Amazon Appstore, and plenty more. The company is continuing its foray into the hardware...
So, how's that Fire Phone working out for you? Oh, you don't own one? Welcome to club. If you're like the vast majority of smartphone owners, you're carrying a handset made from Samsung, Apple, or even HTC. But the Fire Phone? It was supposed to be Amazon's next big thing, like the Kindle, only it wasn't. And if you...
The iPad might be the best selling tablet in the world, but in terms of customer satisfaction, Amazon tablet owners are the overall happiest with their purchase, according to J.D. Power's 2014 U.S. Tablet Satisfaction Study -- Volume 2. Now in its third year, the study measures customer satisfaction across five categories. In order of importance,...
Following up on the launch of its Fire TV set top box seven months ago, Amazon today introduced its little brother, the Fire TV Stick. Similar (but more powerfully equipped) to Google's Chromecast device, the Fire TV stick is a dongle that plugs into an HDMI port on your HDTV to offer instant access to movies, TV...
Amazon was unable to live up to analysts’ expectations when it was revealed in its report, for the third quarter of 2014, that there was a net loss of $437 million. Now, it appears that the online retailer is not living up to its workers’ expectations in Germany who could be going on strike. The labor...
Amazon came up short of analysts' expectations for its fiscal third quarter of 2014. The e-tailer saw its sales increase 20 percent to $20.58 billion, compared with $17.09 billion in the same quarter a year ago, though the firm also posted an operating loss of $544 million, compared with an operating loss of $25...
Word around the web is that Samsung had to push the retail release of its highly anticipated Galaxy Note 4 device to anxious buyers in the U.K. from October 10 (today) to October 17, the same day that it's supposed to launch in the U.S. and in select European countries. However, if you don't feel like waiting, it appears that you can order...
Mega online retailer Amazon is reportedly prepping its first brick-and-mortar shop, which will be located in the middle of New York City and open for business in time for the busy holiday shopping season. Having toyed with same-day shipping and free two-day shipping for Amazon Prime members, operating a physical store...
With the holiday shopping season right around the bend, companies will be ramping up efforts to draw eyeballs to their wares and solicit your business. Enter Amazon and the introduction of a new shopping hashtag that allows Twitter users to add items to their Amazon Wish List simply by tweeting. Just include...
The vast majority of three-piece bundles from cable companies include Internet, television channels, and landline phone service rolled into a single package. That's fine and dandy, but there are a growing number of cord cutters who have no interest in a landline, or even full blown cable or satellite TV service for...
As the run-up to the annual holiday shopping season gets ever closer, major companies are unveiling their newest wares and putting them on sale just in time. Amazon's in that bunch as well, sprucing up its tablet line, revising its Android-based Fire OS, and even introducing a fancy new Kindle for those who'd prefer...
It's no secret that Amazon's Fire smartphone (our review) hasn't taken off quite like the company has hoped, but let's face it: It's worth $0.99. Well, at least if you're willing to enter into a 2-year contract with AT&T, that is. It's undoubtedly a little odd that Amazon would drop the price of its Fire from $199...
One of the biggest dilemmas facing the decision makers at Twitter is how to turn a highly popular microblogging platform into a money generating machine. Integrating ads is one answer, though it's not the only one. In the near future, you might see a "buy" button inviting you to purchase goods and services from tweets...
Hot on the heels of Dropbox making some major improvements to its Pro and Business accounts - both with regards to storage and pricing - Amazon has decided to expedite the public debut of its Zocalo cloud storage service. This enterprise-targeted offering was first unveiled last month, and is designed as a scale-up...
The group known as Lizard Squad has certainly been busy. Since last week, the group has taken down multiple MMO companies and various networks that include Sony’s PlayStation Network and Blizzard’s Now Twitch can be added in the long list of targets the group has brought down with its DDoS attacks. The DDoS attacks...