DDR3 Round-Up: Core i7 Performance Analysis
Chris Connolly
Monday, February 23, 2009, 04:30 PM EDT
Latency (Continued)
Page 5: Latency (Continued)
Page 1: Overview
Page 2: Clock Speed
Page 3: Clock Speed (Continued)
Page 4: Latency
Page 6: Channels / Bandwidth
Page 7: Channels / Bandwidth (Continued)
Page 8: Corsair Dominator and OCZ Platinum
Page 9: Kingston HyperX 1600 / 1800
Page 10: Testbed and Synthetics
Page 11: Crysis and Windows Media Encoder
Page 12: Photoshop CS3 and Cinebench
Page 13: Our Conclusion
While it doesn't make as large of a difference as clock speed, latencies do indeed affect overall system performance and should be kept in mind when buying memory modules. However, if your memory modules can run at latencies under CAS 9, you should be mostly in the clear. Once you get under CAS-8, the performance gained is fairly small.